I also wouldn't mind seeing a remake of a either Blackthorne, Out of this World (with graphics that don't suck this time) or Flashback. One of those games with the hide-n-seek, one-on-one gun battles and a combination of action and adventure
Krusher26's forum posts
I almost regreted downloading Bionic Commando Rearmed for the X360 Live Arcade because I couldn't figure out the mechanics for the computer-hacking puzzle in each level or understand the controls for swinging. After a few tries, though, I mastered both and beat the game 3 1/2 later. It is now one of my top 10 games.
I think the best in the series is Portrait of Ruin. It features two playable characters that you can switch between at any time, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. It combined the adventure elements of Symphony of the Night while maintaining its own story and the best boss battles (especially the final battle against Dracula and Death) of any game in the series. I know some people didn't like the Mega Man style revisiting of previous levels near the end, but I thought it was a decent diversion from the some of the previous offerings. Symphony of the Night set the standard, but Portrait of Ruin used the formula to near perfection.
As far as the direction the series should take, I would like to see a game based on the adventures of Grant. He could travel throughout a haunted pirate ship and end up in the clock tower or castle to face Dracula, who killed his family before Castlevania III. His agility and ability to climb on the walls should remain but his usage of weapons and number of weapons he could use would be greatly improved.
I completely disagree with the quote by Philmargera. In every major religion, there are going to be bad apples, especially when there are over 1 BILLION followers of said religion. You cannot let a few bugs ruin the entire harvest and you should not be so quick to condemn all Christians because of a few obviously misguided people who chose to divert from the teachings of the Bible. I am by no means perfect and, in fact, many Christians find Christ after leading lives that are filled with all types of sin. There are many people out there who claim to be Christians but are "twice a year" church goers or even those who attend church on Sunday but are merely "Sunday Christians" because their actions do not reflect their beliefs throughout the week. I understand your opinion of Christians in general but ask you to not to rush to judgement because of the actions of a few who should be setting an example.
That being said, I believe that you should not play a video game if you believe it will either lead you away from the Lord's will for your life or adversely affect your relationship with God and lead you to sin. I personally do not play any of the game in the GTA series and tend to avoid games with large amounts of explicit language (F-bombs or S-bombs, or any variation) or high amounts of foul language in general, almost no sexuality/nudity, and overwhelming amounts of blood (such as No More Heroes. My only exception is Ninja Gaiden II). Aside from that, I think most other games are alright and will not cause me to go astray from the desires of the Lord.
Final Bosses:
1. Dracula from Castlevania:Portrait of Ruin (DS). He & Death kick your butt multiple time in the form of human and dragon with some crazy attacks (especially the one where he uses his wings to crush you after he has taken dragon form).
2. Sarlac from Blackthorne (SNES & GBA). He has fire and electricity attacks while also using his statues to drop fire bombs on you.
3. Giant Statue from Devil May Cry 4 (X360). Both Nero and Dante have to enter and defeat this monstrosity that cannot be contained on even a dozen screens.
4. Giant Bird Robot from Metroid:Zero Mission (GBA). Fires homing missiles, lasers, and hits you with its claws all while only providing a very small vulnerability spot that you must hit with missiles.
5. Shredder from TMNT:The Arcade Game (NES & X360 Live Arcade). Splits into multiple Shredders and can kill you with one hit with his lighting bolt attack
Non-final bosses:
1. The Politician from Prince of Persia (SNES). He was fat but very fast with his sword.
2. The Twin Sisters from Castlevania:Portrait of Ruin (DS). Their magic weapons and regular swords were on another level of deadly.
3. Dragon from Mega Man II (NES). Any dragon that takes up the whole screen and chases you through treacherous jumps has to make this list.
4. Cin Drallig from Star Wars Episode III:Revenge of the Sith (PS2). Very, very fast with his light saber and could move extremely quickly.
5. T-Rex from Tomb Raider:Anniversary Edition (X360). That big lizard looks awesome and has a mean bite to boot.
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