I definitely find myself desiring to play some of the games from the 1990's. In fact, I still play Blackthorne (originally an SNES/16-bit release) on my GBA as much as any other game I have. I also miss side-scroller beat-em-ups such as Batman Returns (SNES) and the 2D versions of METROID. The 3D Metroids are ok, but don't hold a candle to the action of the mid-90's and early 2000's 2D Metroids. I also have several virtual console old-school games downloaded on the Wii.
The 1990's were great as evidenced by their influence on many games of today. While Golden Eye was great for the development of the 1st Person Shooter, it doesn't hold a candle to Call Of Duty 4 (and if you say it does, you obviously have not played COD 4). Also, as revolutionary as the original Tomb Raider was, all of its sequels have been less than stellar and similar current-gen games such as Assassins Creed and the new Prince of Persia blow it away in almost every facet of gaming.
One advantage I definitely give to the older NES/SNES games is the length of the game. Whatever happened to a game that you could finish in less than 8 hours? It seems like most companies think that games must take 16-20 hours or more to complete, which is crazy unless you only engage in RPG's.
Overall, I like looking back to and still playing several of the older games that I have but certainly take part in the offerings of the games released within this decade. The video games of 1990's reached their pinnacle and lived out their success to give way to more powerful games and systems.
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