KuroiOokami45's forum posts
PSN ID: ~See newly implemented sig~
Didn't care to have online console only friends until I got Warhawk. Add if you want.
Yea, I don't play sports games... tried playing it, and somehow got bored after just taking one shot...
And actually I'll have to disagree with the whole "EA sports is lazy" thing, simply because putting out a fully functioning game EVERY YEAR on every single platform imaginable is anything but lazy. I will say that they are incredibly unimaginative and under-ambitious though.
Anyone else have to play the demo in 480p? The jaggies were unbelievably terrible for me. Like I could probably count the number of jaggies there were around his head from two rooms away (which means they were HUGE and noticeable and i'd never seen game graphics with jaggies that bad since I played a PS1 game).
And also... I'm really only responding to this topic to see what my sig looks like, to tell you the truth. :D
I don't think this game is going to be revolutionary or mind-blowing, but i DO think it's gonna be fun as hell.
I mean this is what perfect dark zero should have been. There putting in everything that has had me and my uncles STILL playing perfect dark on the N64, even to this day (we'll be stting in the living room wen he'll just randomly say, "hey, want me to whoop your @$$ in perfect dark?" and we'll start playing).
ESPECIALLY the knife thing (being able to dip it in nectar) jacking other guys weapons thing (why not every FPS does this is BEYOND me) and no loading times (BIG plus.. when playing with other people it really kills the excitement to have to go through long loading screens). now if only they put in proximity mines, the ability to punch people, and laptop guns, then we'd have a true replacement for perfect dark.
yeah really. Like an HD playstation 2 game. Not to mention i couldn't stand driving for more than a lap or two cause of the horrible physics. (could also be the fact that it's NASCAR, and was bound to not like it anyway).
is gamecrazy selling it?ginglejangle
Nope.. I just called and they said it's released date was pushed back.
So right now i guess it's only EB and gamestop that have it...
[QUOTE="KuroiOokami45"]can anyone tell me if they're running warhawk at 1080i? LAIR is a sure-buy for me just because I can see the graphics to the fullest on my old 40 inch 1080i CRT tv in the living room with surround sound...
Of course I'll still buy it if it doesn't but i reeeeeally hope i don't have to play such a cool-looking game in 480p.
I read an interview with Dylan Jobe, and in it he says that 1080i will be supported.
Yup, right here, message 117. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2007/08/14/warhawk-faq/
So now i'm REALLY excited for it. Thanks a lot dude. Now i just need to find out what stores actually have it stocked today...
can anyone tell me if they're running warhawk at 1080i? LAIR is a sure-buy for me just because I can see the graphics to the fullest on my old 40 inch 1080i CRT tv in the living room with surround sound...
Of course I'll still buy it if it doesn't but i reeeeeally hope i don't have to play such a cool-looking game in 480p.
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