Kurrupt07's forum posts
okay, so ive been looking around at websites hosting free, user created Vista themes, and i decide on downloading a few. in the readme for one of them, it instructed me to allow full control for the original "Shell32.dll" file, and rename it to "Shell32.dll.original". then, it said to copy the downloaded dll file into the directory (it all belongs in C:\windows\system32). i restart, and now i have no desktop at all, just a black screen. no taskbar, no shortcuts, no desktop.
when i log in, i get a message saying something like " the ordinal 874 could not be located in the dynamic link library Shell32.dll" with an OK button.
I click ok, and going to the desktop (which there isnt really, its a black screen) i get an error report. now, i can get online because the dropdown arrow allows me to see the fault modules (shell32.dll) ect. etc, and has a link at the bottom.
Now, i can go to my \windows\system32 directory through the firefox window (File>Open File> and on to directory). The problem is, i do not know whether i need to change user controls for BOTH .dll files, because it wont let me simply delete the new .dll file. I assume it has to do with the fact that it is currently running, though there obviously is a conflict here.
In the readme it told me to allow full ownership/control of the original .dll file by going to properties>security, etc. etc., but i have no idea how to reverse this problem. Help is much needed, and i sincerely thank you for reading this and coming up with any ideas. dumb mistake on my part obviously...
The lappy would kick its ass in GPU proformance. but the other spec's matter as well.
But if where compairing GPU's, 8800M's kill the PS3, isint the PS3 a stripped down 7900?
Most hardware enthusiasts agree
I know crysis still looks way better than Killzone 2 but im just asking out of all the console games that have been claimed to be "graphics kings" and "Rivals crysis" Is Killzone 2 the closest a console game has come so far to atleast be able to kind of come close to Crysis?! again im not saying it looks better than Crysis becasue it doesnt, but if you had to choose just one console game that you would respectfully put beside crysis and compare, would Killzone 2 be it because i cant think of any other console game that looks this goodKillzownz83
I wouldn't choose any conosle game to compare:D
In Gamespots new graphic comparision the 360 was the clear winner again....maybe next round cows!
The difference is almost night and day ;)
[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="Hitman533"] Like if there weren't enough co-op games already.. Go play Resistance 2 or Left4Dead if you want coop and I will play Killzone 2 when I want an outstatnding FPS. I wouldn't like graphics and framerate to go down just for a stupid coop, look at how horrible left4dead looks. It's like you all want more and more like if a campaign and 32 class based multiplayer wasn't enough. Quality>>quantity for me.Couth_That is a terrible defense attempt. But it's true that every game has to sacrifice some things for others because of the limitations of the consoles. KZ2 is going for more impressive visuals, tons of effects, 32 players online. It wouldn't run at a stable framerate with coop. CoD4 spicifically didin't include coop so it could run at 60 frames, no one cared then
Sorry but Co-Op cannot be "Stupid" if it is done properly. For Halo, one major factor which many people believed made Halo fun was its co-op. Consoles are capable of splitscreen, and I think they should be taking more advantage of it. I mean, might as well take advantage of the other controller ports. Sorry, but lacking strong splitscreen in favor of "strong" online is pretty absurd, for shooters.
I would go for a desktop, you would get the same specs and could get away with spending about 900-1,000 bucks if you build your own. Anyway, yes, the notebook would be great for gaming (for a mobile PC, that is)
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