KurupSoldr's forum posts
[QUOTE="azzezino"]A fitting end to the madness of MGS4 going multiplatform.kingtito
What they said was that it was exclusive for THIS year. They didn't say it was exclusive period. Even if it was confirmed to be multi plat it still wouldn't see the 360 this year. Most likely 6 months to a year from now. The press conference didn't confirm anything other than it's being released in 08.
no it said "MGS4 will stay exclusive to the PS3" UT3 said exclusive this year
for backwards compatibility the emotion engine chip or having the software emulator is there much of a difference or is to reduce costs or something?
have not seen anything on this as a topic so sorry if old, but its confirmed PS3 only plus last game in series and kojimas last game is what i saw i hope that wasnt true.
Now finally hopefully can stop seeing these posts of MGS4 going to 360 Goodness people had no hope
dude i thinkg non yof you have played and finished gears of war and kilzone, i have!!!
how do u not think its not like gears of waR???
dude have you ever played that game i cant beleive you all are saying this.
i think you guys are just fanboys and cant seem to open ur eyes and see the truth lol.
but i dont know thats my opinoin...
also i said " the human charactors LOOK like gears of war charactors" not that i wanna see aliens what are you talking about haha
i have played and beate both how can you say its like gears of war, have you played killzone 2 NOOOO! plus no aliens gears has aliens, k2 FPS gears third person, i didnt see anything that suggested same cover system as gears, so what are you talking about. this game reminds me nothing of gears if you think becuase they both have human characters as heros and both shoot guns than yah i guess but did you see the battlefield and the storms that were going on, i just dont get your thinking on this one
How reliable is the PS3, i'm really considering getting one, but i'm not sure. Also, what games do you recommend. Virtua Fighter 5 looks really good, are there any other good games to get. Lair looks good to. I'm not interested in Resistence.
its so reliable that when your girl breaks your heart your ps3 will be there, when you get fired it will be there, and when your alone just look up and your PS3 will be there. Now thats somthing you can count on
That picture was the biggest dissapointment ever people go into detail to tell me why you thought it was good because im being honest its not that special... at allFF-resevil-halo
well we have seen a couple fake pics in the last 24 hours so compared to those it may not seem as good as we were hoping those other pics were actually real. but didnt look horrible but was not fantastic but hey if it looks like that and the gameplay is off the hook then who cares
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