KurupSoldr's forum posts
I've been thinking, what would happen if they madea 2-D side-scroller game for the 360. NOT an arcade game, but it would be on a disk, taking up all the space on the disk. Just think how long that game would be and how many cool things they could put in a game like that.
THIS is next gen ummm sidescrollers kind of old news to me although fun but IDK
It'll stay free. And I'd never pay for onlineBenderUnit22
yah you would if you wanted to play online with friends, but right now you dont have too and i doubt you will ever have too its what makes PS free online,
heavenly sword which looks awesome think kung fu god of war
killzone 2
ratchet and clank future tools of destruction
and more
....Level 1, 2 posts......
Anyways, That's a great deal, don't know what you're thinking, the 60GB was well worth the $600 so the 80GB and Motorstorm is a damn good deal.
its not bad really although i got motostorm for 40 used but new its still 60 plu 20gb for 40$ isnt bad so all and all its not a bad deal only the real hardcore will get it i think it was just to point more people to the 60 you show something more for higher and something really good 100$ cheaper then people are going to do exactly what they are doing wipe the shelves clean its all about marketing in the end plus its also a holiday seller a system plus a great game so it a good idea
Peter Moore had a GTA4 tattoo last year, well if Phil Harrison where to show off one to the crowd this year, what would it be? Haze? MGS4? KZ2?
it would say "MGS4 You Wish"
Why didn't sony just do this in the first place?! Now those of who have the ps3 already are being over shadowed by a new ps3 with more gigs..PLUS A GAME FOR THE SAME PRICE WE PAID FOR THE 60GB! That's screwed up man....really screwed us over. We should be able to turn our ps3's in for the 80gb one. You know that wont happen though. Those of you who own the ps3 already...what do you think?MusashiSensi
please stop complaining, its not that big of deal its 20 gb and a game i bought used for 40$ so really its not that big of a deal. no one forced any of us to get it before now so y complain about it atleast its not like xbox where a 120gb HDD that you can only by from MS is 180$ seperately sony made it much easier and cheaper for us to upgrade this way. so stop being one of the many winers in this world and suck it up becuase nobody wants to hear about it
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