[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]As i just finished watching this 21 minute video on Heavenly Sword which looks amazing, i realize why sony is not worried about the exlcusives they have lost. Sure DMC is awesome but by the 4th installment sure its fun but games can get old when its sequel after sequel. MGS4 is probably the only exception but its not a lost exclusive so we will leave that alone. but when games like heavenly sword are coming and they are exclsive these are the games that are going to make up for it. Next gen is about better gameplay better graphics and unique things we have not seen on prior system no matter how small it is. I think if everyone would sit and just take a look at some of these games that is just for PS3 and actually look amazing, the loss of those other exclusives are games that are old news, and sony is moving forward and not looking back.TheSystemLord1
I stopped reading right there. DMC 4 would be considered amazing if it was PS3 exclusive to you and you know it.
Btw, the exclusives Sony has lost are those same games that you are talking about that made people pause and look at the Playstation 2 in every store in America. Franchises known for their unique and fun gameplay. Who cares about the new stuff? That's hit or miss. Games can look fantastic and play absolutely horribly. The well is running a bit dry wouldn't you say? All you have to look forward to are a game based on paper cut outs and Killzone 2 from Sony, the latter having a 70/30 chance of sucking based on the first one.
E3 better be spectacular for Sony.
honestly i have never played a DMC in my life, so your wrng there. but about your claim, dont forget those great games that you are talking about once were on of those hit and miss titles when they were first born they just hit. sure a franchise is great howevr there is only so much youcan handle, i am sure people like i have seen are getting tired of the GTA type gameplay and some other games. i would also love for you to bring up a game that was made by sony thats not doing good, its hard to think since most are some kind of franchise already so.
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