HUH? i think you mean the sixaxis tilt for the controller and if hats what you mean the game has to have that option like motorstorm does you can activate from the options screen in the game. other than that not sure what you are talking about
KurupSoldr's forum posts
[QUOTE="Uub06"]i went to eb today n i saw a they had a used ps3 for $349.99 CDN (60gb) and $249.99 CDN (20gb), after i trade 10 games. the games im tradin i dont play so it not a prob. the thing is i dont kno what to expect from buyin a used system. does eb check if everythin is in order before they buy it off a person? controls work, hardware issues and all that good stuff. if anyone knows bout this anyone let me kno please.AgentZero225
It sounds too good to be tru, honestly I think u should get it new. If its there and its used then theres something wrong with it. I mean this isnt a used game we're talking about its a system and a expensive one.
yah but it does not good for EB to sell a defective system for it t get returned, i would definetly check it that day or have them show you in the store, if they have a problem doing that than i would be skeptical. but i cant imagine it was returned due to not working more like someone who just didnt want it for some ODD reason
Of course.
he said exclusive, as in only on the PS3... but best we probably have yet to see for MP it will be Socom when the 4th one comes not the MP confrontation one. regular wise could be MGS4
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