KurupSoldr's forum posts
even though there is a price cut confirmed im glad i got my ps3 in november because it has the emotion engine which allows alot of backwards compatiblity with PS/2 games. whoo else is glad they got there ps3s last year????KEM92
did they stop putting that in? i got mine in January so plus i have a ps2 if i want to play those games that bad i would tke a 100 back thats almost 2 games right there
SONY both for consoles AND gamesKEM92
would have to agree, the produced both god of war and Socom thats hard to compete with , next would be insomniac though very creative in what they produce
Looking to upgrade my wireless router since i moved inmy new house and my pc and equipment is a seperate room sometimes it has problems was looking t this one and curious if anyone else has it or if atleast look like a good buy i found one for only $70
Looking to upgrade my wireless router since i moved inmy new house and my pc and equipment is a seperate room sometimes it has problems was looking t this one and curious if anyone else has it or if atleast look like a good buy i found one for only $70
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