thats becuse if you have one controller on all readyyour other will light up as number 2 go to assign controller and change it to the primary which is like a or something like that and try if nothing better time to call sony
i live in florida, im thinkin about buyin it from best buy or wal-mart. which has a better warranty or they the same thing? a friend (who doesn't own a PS3 or really know anything about anything) told me that the warranty at wal-mart is $100.00. is the warranty really that much. and should i buy my ps3 from Best Buy Circuit City or Wal-Mart. there are no gamestop close to me.Neo-37
you dont need the warranty just likethe rest say keep your receipt and just keep it out in the open and you will be fine
ummm yah its Called EBAY minus the money part really, i guess could begood idea if you find the right way to pull it off i just want someone to give me a fair price for my games instead of 5$ then selling for like 25
go elite only because in the future if you get a HDTV with hdmi you wont kick yourself and the extra space no matter whether you need it or not is always better just in case imagine if you do need it ad pay extra out of pocket after always plan for the future IMO if you can
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