In some ps2 online games there were a lot of cheaters, and it got really annoying. So will there be less cheaters on the ps3. kool-aids
honestly i dont really blame sony as much as the developers for leaving the loop hole in to cheat, socom was crazy with the getting in walls and crap and that was a sony game i actuallyblame them for, but it will never end when you have players that cant win ever so they resort to cheatin,i mean i dont mind if they make their own room and have fun but not when people are trying to have a serious game but good luck solving that problem xbox live cant even do it
if you look it up on here its just called killzone with working title in parentheses i think the public has just labled it killzone 2 i am sure it will come with a subtitle
this is to all the people that own a 360 and ps3. i have a ps3 already. and there are a few games that i like that are coming out for the 360. and i was wondering should i waste like 400+ for a 360 or should i just stay happy with my ps3 and wait for games to come out on the ps3?
in this case i would wait its only like a little over two months for all the games that are about to come out, and these daysif you dont have an xbox then the elite is the better choice for almost 500$after tax. I bought my 360 and got in january almost a yeaer before the ps3 so it was easy to save for both then i got my ps3 in february of this year. you spend all your money on consoles thats cool but now you dont have crap to play so
I had no high hopes for this game at all... But wow it looks so awesome!!!
i also read the review and says online is kind of a joke but yes the game does look pretty fun, i heear you can just go around messing with people and certain points
well look at it this way if you buy a 360 and later want hd dvd if its till around and you get the elite thats 480= elite plus tax probably 500, hd dvd player= 200 now your already at 700$ and you still dont have wireless for your 360 yet add the wifi that 800$+ total so in the end to get all that in one bundle blu ray, wifi, and the ps3 its really an easy pick if you only want one plus all the games you want like god of war 2
Looked back and realized how much you have spent on video games and consoles in general I mean ifyou have a ps3 and a couplegames thats already 750$, i have had to spend atleast 8K or more in all my years what about you?
damn that was way to much info ^, anyways if you want good graphics and high def its easy get 360, i have ps3 and 360, that way i get the best of both worlds, what ever multiplat looks better, and all the exclusives that i want for both systems ex. halo 3 and MGS4
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