I was looking through release dates on Gamestop and i usually dont pay too much attention since they are always changing and never rght, however just curious y i say unreal 3 for xbox out in september and it shows it coming Jan 2008 for the ps3. Only reason it caught my eye so much is a game that was all ps3 before it was multi plat i would expect to be swapped anyone heard anything or is this just another screw up to add to the list of GS achievments. Just wondering
if you bought gundam your crazy, that alone makes me think your lying and some of those oher titles like madden 07 when 08 is in under 2 months dont mke sense
The TV is the way to go if you get lots of hd channels and will be better in the longrun, ps3 will be around for a bit so your better off getting the more expessive peice to the puzzle now, that is if your going to buy a good tv.
personally i am ready for it, i bought my ps3 in january and usually i buy 1 game a month between my 360 and ps3 and i have not bought a game since the beggining of march, so i just put that 60$ away and wait for a good game by the time september october rolls around i will be ready for atleast 6 games with out hurting my budget. I cant wait i am really only looking forward to ratchet and clank, GTA4 and uncharted looks pretty good too so its about time in my book
i see wha tyo umean how it says only 1080i wih your hdmi, i have a lcd rear projection and it displays all resolutions except 1080p with my hdmi and my component i bet you will get the same with both connections onthat tv as well and to be honest even if not it would not be too much of a difference except maybe the sound but i use optical sound anyway
to me it does not mater look for a tv with a high contrast ratio like 3000:1 or higher if you can, good response times like 8ms or if lower great, and good colors something that will say deeper blacks brighter whites resolution is the last thing you should worry about when debating 720p to 1080p IMO
well since you stated ur ps3 has better graphics but is lacking games the title of this post"I HATE MY PS3" is not something i would have put, i have both so i just play my 360 until more gams come out, i watch blu ray movies on it, get god of war 2 while you wait, play or rent some games you have not played to see if they are good. by the end of summer you will have plenty of games to ply until then just play yur 360. Frustrated like most people yes Hate it i doubt that
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