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#1 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts

whatever suits your needs if not going to be home alot to play ps3 get a psp so its with you mobile, so when you want to play it you can, if not get a ps3  and this is misleading since one is a lot more expensive but its whatever works better for you in the end i guess, i would never play my psp if i got one so ps3 would be my choice

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#2 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
could use a flash drive, the only things you need to worry about is your game saves and stuff of that sort the xmb is not affected by changing outthe HDD
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#3 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
i think the higher your level the more things tend to be when you sell them just like when you do certain quests you ge more reward money depending on your level
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#4 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts

With the PS3, everyone is always talking about, "just wait, the games will come out"

I will just leave you with this question, would you rather have sony have a good console who took the time to get it right and have some good games but not a huge amount(even though its only been 5 months which is not a long time) or xbox 360 which you could be on your 3rd xbox not being able to play some great games.  Its not that bad its been 5 months things are not going to change overnight so get over it

What I want to know is when? All I forsee is maybe 2-3 games that look promising, and chances are they will be delayed.


In the past, before anything came out, I thought it was realistic that the PS3 could actually hold its own vs. the wii and 360. And I am a big sony fan. But it seems fairly obvious that Sony has little to no shot of winning this war, the way their console has performed.


Being launched a year later meant that the ps3 launch would need to be successful to win over remaining people who had not jumped on microsofts wagon.

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#5 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts

Ok, people say lots of times Sony doesn't have a Mascot per se......before it was Crash in the early PSX days.  I'd Say Kratos is the "mascot" of the Playstation brand......Agree?  Any other ideas as to who this might be.  Nintendo = Mario, Xbox = Halo, PS = Kratos.  I put "new" in quotations because I think that just recently he has become the biggest thing on the PS brand.


if your going to pick a mascot it should be a character that has been on PS since PS1, mario hs been on nintendo since day 1 and halo on xbox as well. GOd of war has not only 2 and one day 3 so i feel it should be someoen that has been since the begginging IMO

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#6 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
I use windex and a papertowel works just fine shines no scratches
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#7 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts

[QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"]Didnt liked the game, the characters were too steroid based, the lack of story is also a bummer and I could care less for online, in which 80% of the users take advantages of the glitches, and the other 20 % are cheap bastardsDeihmos

You know you never played the game so STFU. This reminds me of Oblivion. It was a horrible game until it appeared on PS3 now it's the best game ever. Fanboys.....

In reply to the OP...GOW will not be on the PS3.

Wow you like to assume that every one who doesnt like a game is a fanboy. Kids like you make me laugh. So what somebody didnt like your stupid game, dont you wanna go cry and tell mommy and daddy about it too? And Oblivion still sucks as most WRPGs (except Fable and KOTOR). So kid drink a glass of milk and go to bed is too late for you to be awake.


You are the one that sounds like a kid to me.

Really?? As if I would care what a kid thinks. You know how can I tell you are a kid, you cant differenciate an opinion from a fact. Its easy as that. Well or you are a kid or you have below standard in reading comprehension.

Relax dude. I don't see what you are getting worked up about. SO what if you hate the game but he likes it. There is no reason for you to be callign anyone a child over something so trivial. It makes you look really immature since you could have simply moved on.

Who cares about this entire post after you ended With "TATA" WTF is that

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#8 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
First off how do you create this long post about your not sure, and then at the end say you cant wait to DL Tekken dark resurrection?, but to the point i was not afraid sony is not just going to pack up and lose there are too many loyal fans for that to happen its barely about to be 5 months since it came out if devs are saying its hard to program on in a couple years i might be afraid that they are just stupid not that the ps3 is horrible or anything.  you spent all that time working hard to purchase this system and now you want to back out because of a what some are saying, Insomniac does not things its too hard and either does alot of others, anyways you decide its your money but dont come back crying if you dont do it
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#9 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
its cool to have but sooner or later you will want to get rid of it, it just gets annoying sometimes when your tryingto do stuff and you have to sleep to get to the night cuz of th sun.  but look up the quest for the cure its not really that bad to get
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#10 KurupSoldr
Member since 2006 • 4094 Posts
if its too hard you can always lower the difficulty in the options for just that part and then move on, or try what the rest are saying up to yo u