KurupSoldr's forum posts
duping definitly works. warbmxjohn
yes the duplicate cheat does work but you have to do it a diffrent way that before, just go to cheats here on GS for oblivion they have added how to do it and it works i have used it plenty
you got an automatic 1 year warranty when you bought your xbox since MS just bumped it up to a year so just call them about it
yah but he would have noticed if he was a vampire from when you sleep and it says that little piece about your dreams, he said this happened when he came out of a gate, only ways to become a vampire is to fght some and then usually you contract it or the dark brotherhood so i doubt he is that stupid not to notice, but it is only explanation so is wierd
Saints Row didn't have planes and everyone raises hell, GTA4 has no planes and everyone understands? DZBricktop
Well first off Saints row was not in new york or any place that looked like it so there goes your case for this issue, LEts not forget that 9/11 was the biggest and most tragic terrorist attack on US soil, Why should we forget about that? and that whole you should take out guns becuase of war argument, OK then basically your saying any game with gunfire in it should not be allowed either then? come on its a plane who cares about a friggin plane its a great game and i dont think anyone really cares that much. If your one of those people that says we should get over it why dont you say that to al the families that lost someone on that day, so that you can have a plane in a video game.
no mine has a little slow down every so often but other than that and the audio glitches tha froze me game twice but in 40 hours it has run good. i played oblivion on the 360 and while it ran about the same alot of colors are brighter on the ps3 and trees look better
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