why the hell would sony put out a 80gb HDD afte they went though all the trouble to make a hdd you can switch out with ease by making ita laptop HDD, can easily get 160gb for a good price. explain how you make sense thinking an elite ps3 needs to be made its already elite
not sure ow dlps look but can tell you what you want to look for, contrast ratio something like 1300:1 but the higher the better lcds hit like 6000:1 and plasmas 10000:1, and you also want a fast response time like 8ms. those are more importnt thatn 1080p and crap like that so make sure those look good they improve the overall color and stuff like that
i love the games but i was not super excited the graphics looked nice but until i see game play and all that, it was just another cut scene type of trailer which most of those always look good in HD
i would make a game and call it online idiots, when you load it we all fight to find the biggest idiiots and hit our attacfk buttons and zap there ps3's
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