KurupSoldr's forum posts
LMAO even the xbots know the Elite is a waste. It only has a bigger HDD and HDMI, but no HD-DVD drive built in and it's black how does that make the PS3 seem hopeless? The Elite 360 isn't elite the only thing elite about it is it's HDD.G-LegendI agree but the HDD does not even make it elite the fact that i can get a huge HDD 160gb around the same price is what makes the ps3 so much better as far as going up in HDD. You can only buy that hdd from MS thats weak so if you have a 360 already which most already have the low end or the premium now you have to pay 180$ for that hDD how weak is that, thats totals almost as much as the high end ps3 if you upgrade to that plus you get a blu ray player built in wireless adapter. so explain to me how the elite conquers all.
Look on gamefaqs.com they probably have a lot of tips.trav_havemost places have all the same cheats up as the xbox360 like they just figured they work on both, but i know for a fact they dont and were fixed for the ps3 version, but i am sure there has got to be one somewhere there always is no matter how much you fix someone just needds to kill that one person and realize it
and then the biggest irony here...Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible.
Makes me think about not buying any Capcom games. dont buy it then just another extra copy for someone that does trust me your not buying will not shut capcom down, i dont even pay attention anymore to this crap as long as the game is good and fun who cares anymoreCapcom will continue to produce titles that appeal to users while pursuing a multiplatform strategy to help enhance profits.
this is a touchy situation i am lucky that my wife loves to watch me play games and sometimes play with me, however i had my xbox and then when i wanted a ps3 she was very aprehensive about me getting it. but it blew over. in your case you already have 2 systems and now you want a third, another reason not to spend time with her is most likely her agrument, plus you want her to buy the most expensive console right now on the market. I feel you should have purchased that and could hve gotten her to get you the wii with ease, spend more time with her now show her the games arent more important and you just want it becuase awesome games are coming, might work out or just get it yourselfI am desperately trying to convince my Girl Friend to buy me a PS3 for my birthday but she keeps saying 'youve got a Wii AND a 360, you dont need another one'!!! Are there any girls here that have or play a PS3 that can give me ammunition to use against my G/F's rubbish arguements. I mean, i can tell her why i want it till im blue in the face, but what would she get out of it!?
Hurry, ETA to birthday 18 days!!!!!
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