also just to note keep the old HDD, my PS3 just bit the dust and they give you an option to trade it for a slim i had a 60GB launch. But i needed the original HDD which i cant locate after moving twice lately. So just keep that in mind
I used tosell games on ebay alot never trade Gamestop has such crappy trade in value, but now as i have been smarter about games i purchase i find myself keeping them. The game i have had the longest is Heavenly sword which i still like to play every so often.
Its the least expensive one all black with colored buttons, i think its the same as the soul caliber 4 stick.
Anyways i am just wondering how it is from people that have it, i dont want to spend a lot but am worried about the buttons how they curve i am used to the straight and curious if anyone has problems getting used to it. also does any one have SF4 and this stick
you should have something to automatically detect those kinds of settings, however if your router is security enabled than you will need to log into it to get a password to get it online.
World at war single player and multiplayer for long replay value, fallout singleplayer but extremely awesome and fun to play. comes down to if you like playing more by yourself or with others really, down the road you can get either one for good prices on ebay
when you go into display settings choose custom and deselect everything that you can except 1080p and it will work, not sure why you have to do it this way but it will work
HOLD YOU POWER BUTTON for about 3-5 seconds when you turn it on and you wil hear a series of beeps it will downgrade to the lowest setting your tv can handle
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