i was wiating for Battlefield 2 ultimate but it dropped to 27$ today and i snatched it. Also looking for Heavy rain and even on ebay its above 30$ used.
KurupSoldr's forum posts
well right now the ultimate edition is only 27$ on amazon i just picked it up today, and it says you get VIP, and someone in one of my posts said it was free for VIP members. So I would imagine it would not cost anything outside the 27$ i just spent,
get the Ultimate Edition instead, it comes with all the maps and extra content.PoisoN_Facecam0That 27$ price tag is for the ultimate edition,
[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]Where did you find it for $27 new?Curious to know how good the online community is, there is a great deal to get the ultimate edition for 27$ Brand new, wondering if its worth the pick up?
Its on amazon right now for 26.99 and if you have prime shipping its free 2 day. but today is the only day you will get it at that price bee 39.99 by tommorrow unless you get it through there by one get one half off sale with another game that costs more
Curious to know how good the online community is, there is a great deal to get the ultimate edition for 27$ Brand new, wondering if its worth the pick up?
I am with you I have been trying to find a all sniping game thats good and there is just nothing for the PS3 at the moment, sure that ghost warrior game is coming but it did not get great reviews on the other platforms. Sniper elite gets a lot of praise and is being re-released on the wii this weekend if you have a wii, otherwise the ps2 version is all you have to get at the moment
socom games had people with weapons having attachments they would normally not be able to have, sometimes being in walls etc, is it a super camp game
Just curious its got a good price right now and been interested lately in playing if it still has a good base. Does it have cheating comparable to socom?
you should always back up your ps3, i would say at least once a week, my 60gb launch just blinking red lighted me and i lost EVERYTHING for the last four years Wish i would have just hooked up a external and backed it up every week or so at least then i would have not lost too much. Bright side i have a reason to play all my games again
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