Have you signed up on the NFS HP website (its just your EA login for NFS), i know on there you can view all the photos you took in game. You may be able to DL them from there and save to your PC but not sure.
I usually always have a disc in my ps3, right now it's GT5 so i see no reason to worry, the manual is just a precaution as if the PS3 breaks it's hard to get it out and you do not get it returned if you send it into Sony for repairs..JohnF111
But also keep in mind that i have not seen too many PS3's that break without a disc inside so...
its not a big issue for a couple hours but i have heard and read that leaving them in there can sometimes warp them a little and over time this will cause problems. Not sure how true that is but i would just be safe and when done for the night put them in the case.
Honestly i thought i would and i know its not an exact replica or meant to be. However i am lost on why they would not allow the modifiers you can use in splitscreen offline to somehow be a part of the online which is what made the MP so good in the original goldeneye. I feel they really failed since MP has really come a long way online. Second i enjoy the levels but hate that you cannot go back, more than once i have messed up a objective to have to start an entire level over. Just a pain not impossible, i thought this was gonig to be better but i feel its not anyone else?
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