it may be time to sue sony over Qore lies same happened to me, got it for socom but never recieved email then a freind hooked me up when i email sony customer service they said oh it looks like you got your code, had to tell them my friend gave be that then they never emailed me back. We should be refunded and still get the product becuase thats false advertisement
ok so all this negative stuff didnt just start today and yet you still went out and bought it and now are scared to open it becuase of some negative feedback. How bout growing some and playing the game you just bought, it wont be that bad i have heard alot of good from Die hard 1 and 2 fans on PSU boards. It will be fine now go play
warhawk is good sniping but very challenging, COD4 on the right maps like stated above. Socom is hit and miss right now i am hearing but usually is a good sniper game. after that nothing really comes to mind i think someone needs to create an awesome sniper only type game. A game based on sniping like that match against the END in MGS3 would be awesome
who cares, fanboys are the saddest species around. They back a console they love and trash one they dont yet they have nothing to do with the marketing of it at all. No matter what they say makes no difference in sales. Usually they make complete fools of themselves. Number 1 or 3 i could care less as long as it keeps putting out good games
Yah 9.5 is a little much but an 8.0 to 8.5 is good for me. It does feel like the first one i have already noticed alot of the same places from the first one. But the game is still way too much fun, when you can shoot (Feces) and make money and respect you got to love that
when i did this i had to email sony customer service and since its a weekend like it was for me when i did it you will most likely wait until monday and they called me to ask some quesitons.
no it should work with all games that allow voice chat online, new headsets for some reason alwas seem to get bundled with socom since its a chat friendly game
anyday of the week i will take a couple broken controllers over having to replace my entire console over 3 + times. Sony is so cheap they made a console that hardly faults, sometimes i just cant believe the world we live in jeez
you should have got dead space as the free game you will only be able to returen BIA from what i am hearing about that deal you cant return the free one
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