I want to know what the difference in Blue-ray DvD's and HD DvD's are they look basically the same cept blue-ray looks alittle better and if it really is bttr.... shouldn't all games on ps3 look bttr than they do on x-box 360 (that are the same title)
Also is there a site where you can see sales of things like ps3 and 360 in some kinda chart form for different months and different places (just asking a random question?)
first off blu ray does make the game look better to a point, how the game is created using the PS3 hardware is the bigger point. So dont base it like that, blu ray just holds more space and its and HD format, 360 games are not even on an HD-DVD disk anyway i am pretty sure its just DVD. NOt to mention HD DVD basically is dead so no reason to really bring it up in this case.
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