KurupSoldr's forum posts
I know there have been firmware updates..but is this possible yet? I have a 1080 set which is the native resolution, problem is most games are 720p and everytime I boot up a game it forces my TV to switch to 720p mode. Since my native res is 1080, it does not look as good.Is there anyway to correct this yet?
why would you want 1080i anyway 720p is better, but there is no way to correct this
Wats the best way to get a lot of points in warhawk?cipherace2008
definite zones or CTF, i am a sergeant but only 250pts or so away from Chief Sergeant
How about some random German Sheperds lerking around
So sometimes you might come across a guy trying to kill a dog or run away from 1, maybe watch dog run after a sniper laying on the ground!!!
SOunds fun!!!
that would be a pretty kick A^&* Perk though
awesome game but prestige is a pain when you have to unlock all over again, they should have given you a new awesome weapon at the end of each prestige to make a goal out of it.
Hardcore a good idea now a camper dream, should have removed last stand and martydom from hardcore.
maps are getting old you can tell when every map that comes up people are trying to vote it, but a new map pack on the way but we got the shaft on the wait time.
patch didnt do anything good it was supppse to except the mute button, the host migration doesnt work, the respawns dont work that much better, bt the kill cams i guess were a nice touch
i put this game down about a week ago to pick warhawk back up and have not looke back since and probably wont with GTA 4 coming
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