i have not met anyone with one, but its logitech so most likely its good also its hard to buy one latest i have seen on amazon and other sites says its a 2 month wait to get
it did that way back when i first got it so not sure what is wrong with yours go to test your connection and see what NAT you are if 3 you need to open ports or DMZ your router your looking for 2 if you have a router
I am considering buying a PS3 but live in an area where broadband isnt availible (yes these place still exist in the UK):evil: So my question is: is it possible to play the PS3 online using a dial up connection??
nope you need broadband to play games online sucks to be you dude i will kill my self if i only had dial up
Nope no Dial up what so ever its either cable or DSL, sorry man that sucks
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