I have just bought blacksite for the PS3 and tried to connect online, but everytime it says cannot find any servers. Is this due to a lack of servers or is there something wrong with my connection, every other game i have works fine on the internet, COD4, TF2 and so on. It is just suprising to me that there would be absoloutly no servers for this game as it seems like a good game. Any help much appreciated. Thanks. XpLoSiVe
BTW, i have two PS3's and is the same problem with both.
I'm guessing it has to do with you being the only one online ..
I was going to say the samething, this has got to be the first topic i have seen on blacksite online
COD 4 been very laggy lately. I won't be playing it for awhile after I pick up Ninja Gaiden Sigma tomorrow.
yah i have noticed this too, i never had lag before until lately, yesterday i was playing on that map with the silos, a sniper was like 5 ft from me adn shot 3 times with his rifle and killed me when i saw the kill cam he wasnt even shooting at me i was off to the left and yet i still died, knife kills from like 5ft away really!!! this patch better hurry the F up or when RB6V2 drops and if its any good i will trade COD4, no point to play if its gonna be frustrating from things that i dont/cant control
Get burnout, If you have never played half life 2 then maybe take a look at it, i played in on my PC so i have no desire to get it on a console. I bought burnout and i love it
just to make sure something didnt change some how go into your display settings pick HDMI obviously and when it says pick audio choose HDMI again and auto and see if it just needed to be redone. only think i can think of cuz i had that problem when i changed back to HDMI and forgot about that setting
I think its possible, especially if they do what they did with the PS2 slim and externalse the power supply. It would be cool, but I'm definetly not expecting it for at least 3-4 years. Lets hope our current PS3s are reliable enough so that we never need to buy one! RandomBeast
i doubt it will get that small that powersupploy is almost as big as the Xbox 360's and its inside plus it would have to have the same kind of slot loader for me to want it. Possible maybe, but i dont think your looking at anything as small as the what we are used too.
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