why are you not just downloading the update to a flash drive and installing it that way then it will pick it up not sure why you went through the whole HDD way
i have both, honestly i like my ps3 better for plenty of reasons, but i would get one it has lots of good games you wont get on xbox and it will last longer new xbox if there is one will be out in a few years
you make some good points^^khalid, anyways just get in a building and avoid the chopper that way as long as your not in a window or something when its in the vicinity most of the time you are ok. your post made me laugh my but off though cuz all that has happened to me too. but i dont let it bother me too much
yah those ^^^2 games are good too, HDMI dont matter what cable i never had problems personally and i paid 6$, 60gb was discontinued but not for any bad reason in fact thats the best one to get IMO ifyou want to go back and purchase some PS2 games you may have always wanted to play as it has the best BC out of the rest at least from what i have heard
i would say COD4 is the most successful so far, football is probably the most fun to play online but i have no reason to back that up. Warhawk is a good online game as well after that those are the 2 best
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