@deviltaz35: Wow, if you're complaining about graphics in MHW you need a new hobby. The game looks fantastic. Framerate problems? Not had any. And no, the game does not like it came out in 2010.
@consolehaven: They have, there is the handheld Zelda team. You can expect a smaller, most likely 2D zelda anytime from Holiday 2018/Early 2019 I'd wager.
@bdrtfm: MS is worth a lot more than Sony for sure, but they are still a business and want to make money. That doesn't mean they will just pump endless cash into the next Xbox.
@jdc6305: The new IT was pretty shit compared to that great TV two-parter that actually had soul. Unlike the new film, it didn't rely on cheap jump scares hoping to scare 16 year old girls. Opinions are great eh :)
Kusimeka's comments