@lostn: You sir, are an idiot. I would try to educate you, but you are showing an extremely low level of IQ. Please take some time to learn a thing or two about game development before posting your paragraphs of rubbish. I'll leave you to spend a few weeks doing some research. See you then, In other words, get lostn.
@lostn: I'm sorry but that's just not how it works. If we are not even to discuss all the behind the scenes requirements that go into releasing a PC game, believe it or not, having a game running on a PC and all PC's is completely different.
@lostn: Actually, no they couldn't release it now if they want to. Just because a game is made on the PC, doesn't mean at the click of a button it can be playable on PC.
How is this the PS4 pro's fault? Some people really are deluded. This is the simple fact of developers rushing a patch out for the PS4 pro release, if you want to complain, then do so towards the developers. Both of these games are ports, surprise much? Sigh.
@asneakypoptart:Not to be overly rude, but I wrote it twice because you implied you didn't/couldn't read the article 'The majority of people buy consoles so they don't have to buy upgrades/swap parts out', the points you were making here do not add up with the facts.
In response to your reply, once again you contradict yourself. "fact that lots of people want to have the latest and greatest when it comes to gadgets" and then state that "people are going to be pissed off that a new, better version of the console they bought three years ago" uh, what?
So, people want the latest and greatest tech, but when it's released they are going to be pissed off? Okay, so the problem here is with the consumer. I believe Sony are handling it the right way, they are keeping the PS4 relevant, those that want the latest tech can go and buy it, those that don't can still play the same games. It's so frustrating seeing people whining and complaining over every single little thing these days.
Are you missing the point here? They don't HAVE to buy a upgrade/swap parts out. I repeat, don't HAVE to. They have the option to, if they would like the improved graphics/performance.
Kusimeka's comments