I feel very sorry for you, the same thing happen to my first Wii back 2 years ago, don`t temper with it because then you will damage it futher. you have 2 options send it to get repair at nintendo or the second one which people here will dislike, and i won`t discuss it so i don`t get banned =|
Kyousuk3z's forum posts
We wont see it on the Wii, but maybe on nintendo`s next console. Anyways i think nintendo should make a pokemon MMORPG instead, full chat support, tons of people big world to explore you get the idea, either that or pokemon stadium 3.
The gamecube is quiet reliable, i have drop mien ton of times and it works like a charm but i think your better off buying a Wii and grabbing yourself only the memory cards and the remotes, and you get the best of two worlds.
Yes it is i beat the game a month ago, and i have to say it is far better than the "HD Twins" Version. it is a completely different game, i believe set 2 years before the ps3/360 version i`m not sure.
As i see aside from the Wii "Mii" game titled, Nintendo has use motion control in a very simplistic way. Example? SMG2 just shaking the remote to spin ect, & with the addition of motion plus any complicated motion functionality has been pretty much fix. so yeah i think nintendo will keep motion controlling for their next console and support more standard controlling. but they wont beat the horse to dead, i`m pretty sure they have figured out something to set themself aside from the competition.
Yeah sounds complicated anyways thanks for the reply i appreciate it ^^.
Could i take a laptop`s wireless card, remove it and add it to a desktop? I know sounds cheap, sorry. I tried googling this and nothing came up, but yeah anyways i was just wondering i`m getting tired of all the wires in my house, plus i have 2 broken screen-less laptop with wireless card so i might as well give it use somehow. thanks in advance ^^
Excuse 1#: In the previous generation the gamecube was far more powerfull than the ps2 yet people went all nuts over the weaker consoles.
Excuse 2#: gameplay and actual effort make game good, not just pretty graphics.
Excuse 3#: Unlike the current competition, we only receive profits from video games, on the other hand both sony & microsoft are company that make profit with more than just games.
Excuse 4#: We almost went bankrupt last gen so we might as well take it easy lol
thats all i can think of anyways, the Wii is by far better than the competition, it might lack the graphical power, but it has a great library of games that don`t only consist of first person shooters clones.
Well i was wondering if anyone out there (hopefully someone here) that has play chrono cross had issues with the first disc, i have bought 3 copies of the same game and always when i come accross the same scene ( when you get to the sky palace place and u have that flash back again) the disc just freezes, either i`m out of luck or squaresoft released a batch of bad disc ._.
also my second question is does gameshark screw games up? not that i used it on chrono cross but i did on this other game called legend of dragoon and now whenever i play the second disc the graphics are all screwed up and it wont let me exit out of the village. >.< ^^ thanks in advanced for any responce
I have a question, why are Gamecube games more expensive than PS2 games. I went to gamestop today and they had some of the same titles for both consoles and the gamecube version were more expensive, i also noticed the samething on amazon. so i`m confused lol. also is there any site that show u a full list of all the gamecube games and ps2 game released in NA?
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