Just wondering if it were technically possible for the wii SMG games to be ported to 3DS. would love for this to happen. SMG on the go will be awesome.
LESROU's forum posts
i want skyward sword on wii2, in HD - yes please. and twilight princess port for 3DS. :D
maybe u slide the tablet into the controller then waggle it. LOLThis is my problem with rumors:
This is IGN's controller
And below is Gamespot's controller.
Yeah...we have an issue here.
sold mine, after buying most of the 1st party games and many 3rd party. Just decided i had enuf of last gen tech. needed the cash for my new 3DS. good grfx, awesome 3D - MORE LIKE IT!
so far the sony/Ms fans are all saying this console will fail. lots of analysts calling this nintendo's last gen. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
even the latest glitchspot...erm gamespot "hotspot podcast" was dissing the wii and its sequal.
more important will the wii launch 1st party games drop in price. Twilight Princess, a gamecube game, with horrendous grafix for $50. SERIOUSLY!!!!
*enters time machine and flys to 2014*. PS4 = $1500. EPIC FAIL. Nintendo Owning Ngp with 3ds and wii2 breaking records with gimmicks. seriously OP, get over it! Nintendo won this gen, Bitterness sucks!By them releasing a new console this early will give the edge to Sony/MS because when they release there new console its going to be stronger.Developers arnt going to want to develope for the Wii 2 because of how weak it is and there just going to put there games on the Xbox 3 and PS4.Its like Nintendo didnt learn from the Wii 1 smh
So i got me a 3DS a few days ago (aqua blue is the best), and when first playing SSF4 on it with 3D i found it hard to focus. Its like the 3D seemed so unatural. but after like 2 days of playing the 3d feels good. So my question, has anybody found their eyes adapting to the 3D. and also how far or close do you hold it for good 3D viewing? I hold mine prety close and find the sweet spot is rather good.
Let's face it there's going to be a lot of ports from multiple companies for the project cafe, so what games do you want to see ported to Project Cafe and what games do you think will be ported to project cafe? Here's what I think:
Games that I think will be ported to project cafe
-Marvel vs Capcom 3
-Resident Evil 5
-other HD capcom games
-Assassin's Creed (not sure which one, but I think there's a good chance for an AC game being ported)
Games I would like to see ported:
-Mass Effect 2&3
-Batman Arkham city and Asylum
-Fallout 3
-Elder Scrolls 4 and 5
Why don't you buy a PS3 or a 360 then? It would make tons more sense
Wii mote > dual anologue >>>>>>>>Kinect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PS MoveWhen wii2 hits we gonna get ports galore, MWF 2, Left for dead, Bioshock - the whole 360/ps3 lot. lets hope its not lazy ports (ok, its probly gonna be lazy).
So as long as its a bit more powerful than PS3, im good to go. seriosly 480p is hard to swollow, really!
1080p Metroid................YES PLEASE!!!!!
oh Jason, dont forget The Conduit in HD. LOL
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