I here such i lot of negtivaty torwards Wii, its amazing, my opinion; its the best console ever!!! The potential is huge!
Is there sum1 out there who agrees?
Im still blown away by Wii sports, still play MP3, still get hooked by SMG and enjoy the heck out of virtual console. New games , new IP's??..yes we will get them. Ive owned both xbox360 and ps3 aswell (sold em and bought a guitar and a amp:P), and to be honest its not that great or next gen imo. Ja Ja, Gw2,blah blah,MGS4...been there, dun that. Owned the FPS for these consoles aswell, the anologues...AAARGH!!!
I mean we get: Ninty exclusives, Virtual console, Wii ware, Zelda, Zelda and More Zelda ..... could you ask for more.
Heck, Wii music is a great game. (im a musician by da way)
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