just would like to hear SW thoughts on this topic.
LESROU's forum posts
So I got me 120 stars, owned bowser in the final stage and watched as the credit rolls. then a scene showed Rosalina saying "i will watch over you" before she flies off into space with the space ship. But notice where she flys torwards... if you look carefully it is the 2d map world that will be used in SMG2. not only that but a luma is left behind. Is this the orange luma?
Any one else notice this.
now for luigi time!
I think HD needs ninty.
lemma hear ya thoughts!
Day one buy!
Now All i need is my Starfox, F-zero, Zelda WIIand then my head will explode!
Happy gamer days...
Twilight princess is the best. MM is lame lame lame, tick tock tick tock your time is up. MM is a game for casuals!
Heres mine:
1) Originality and Creativity in games
2) Always suprises me (some good, some not so good - E3 2008 wii music demonstration:shock:)
3) Mario. nuff said!
4) Awesome 1st party library - best there is, period.
5) Saved video gaming back in the 80's, will probarly save it again from the current "HD Sandbox FPS Generic" Era we are currently in.
so lets hear it, whats 5 things like about Ninty.
Wii's VC alone makes it the greatest console!
"personaly hate it. Its not impressive at all and sems like an excuse not to work hard, because it sems a lot easer to make."
you are just lame and quite pathetic. Its called artistic taste!
Im pretty confident we will see a cell shaded Zelda this E3 for wii, but it will go beyond what wind waker achieved. Lets face it TP style (realistic) looks dated on wii. Was playing wind waker recently and was impressed by its visuals. I even showed it to my Xbox freak counsin, and he was impressed!!! (nearly impossoble to impress this HD freak).
So whot you guys/gals think?
mod edit - Made slight changes to a misleading thread title.
Ok, so im on the net, on ign, gamespot and what I see is alotta hate for the Wii and ninty. I dont even wana mention system wars - good grief!
so yeah, i recently discovered Ninty games through a n64 emulator on a pc, and they are the best games ive played (Sm64 and OOT). I had a xbox and ps3 and too be honest those games dont really interest me much, so sold it and bought me an eletric guitar - Oh yeah, so worth it!
So Yeah, Just wana See how many True Ninty supporters we got here on GS.
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