LOXO7's forum posts
Yeah facebook is to blame. They're responsible for the lives of anyone who uses their software!!!
Well she was a 12 year old on a 13 year old site. Just like this one... Clearly the facebooks and everything else is just too mature for pre-teen and teenagers. If we have age limits now, the only sensible age limit is 21. For everything.
Get along guysdave123321Thanks Mom.
[QUOTE="LOXO7"]No, he's doing it because he want to keep pumping oil and gas from Syria then selling it to China.the oil issue is almost irrelevant in Syria. They have nothing considerable Right, but for anyone that isn't the US, it is.[QUOTE="lamprey263"]no, he"s doing it because he wants to keep selling weapons to SyriaBossPerson
no, he"s doing it because he wants to keep selling weapons to Syrialamprey263No, he's doing it because he want to keep pumping oil and gas from Syria then selling it to China.
Yeah owning a TV from 1996 and a Nokia 3210 is a sign of great wealth. m25105Opposed to owning a helicopter? Fact is, living in a country with abundant electric devices is wealthy. They make life easier. Obviously overlooked if arrogant.
[QUOTE="cain006"]This is actually true. One of the people I worked with at McDonald's said she wouldn't vote for Romney because "he wouldn't give her anything." And then said something like Obama got me a phone, what will Romney give me? Things like that are the biggest flaw in democracy. Stop giving democracy all of the bad credit. It's not fair. Give some of the other governments credit. Politicians are elected democratically, but they are not ruled so. The president does not have the power to give you stuff. This is unknown to the majority.[QUOTE="Rhazakna"] Shitty journalism? The commentators were pundits, not journalists. Their main contention as I recall was that it was an example of Obama voters supporting him because of the free stuff they thought they were getting for him. I don't remember anyone saying he started some costly program to give people cell phones. deeliman
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