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#1 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

This lady's idea helps inflate the dollar even more. Why have market forces stopping people from attaining a degree? Why even let people think money is valuable? Lets have everyone go to college. Lets start them young. If you're 10 or over you will be admitted into college. Lets change the amount of credits needed to get the degrees. I mean, more credits obviously equals into the more knowledge attained. Four years for an associates seem right.

You want to reduce college tuition? Stop giving out loans. If the governments stopped doling out loans then tuition would lower, thanks to the market. The scenario of no government college loans: No one would be able to afford college. Colleges would reduce tuition because no one is going to college.

This is such a racket. Leave it to the government. Our masters know what's best.

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#2 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
[QUOTE="LOXO7"]This kind of thinking does not correlate into Star Trek spaceships Ace6301
Well considering Star Trek doesn't really use any modern economics you could say the same thing about capitalism.

You could say that then look like a fool against evidence of societies that have progressed under capitalism.
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#3 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="caseypayne69"]I bet you can't buy a video game console in Cuba. Capitalism is the best. It is what built the US into such a beast of a nation. But all this social and liberal bs is bringing it back down. kuraimen
Cuba would have been entirely different without the embargo. Not even the US could have developed with the entire world cut from trading with them. Being a socialist country doesn't mean a market or industry doesn't exist. It just means there are other priorities and the market functions differently. A true socialist country must put the wellbeing of people and the environment first above profit. Capitalist theory puts profit as the driving force of everything and that's why is so dangerous and damaging.

How has profit become this demonized? I hear stories about school teachers picking sides for sports so that kids don't feel bad if the team captains pick them last. No more tough love. It's all about fairness and equality now. Everybody wins. This kind of thinking does not correlate into Star Trek spaceships. When there is failure it is motivation for future success also it's a signal of progression. Society isn't using its time focused on failures, but on the benefits. When kids are taught everyone is the same already there is no need to become better or grow. Socialism is stagnation then inevitable collapse.

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#4 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
If you think soccer then the best sport is hockey. It is like soccer only better in every way.
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#5 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="playmynutz"]A pack of monkeys live on an isolated island with a fair amount of vegetation. The monkeys form a society where alpha monkeys are in power of resources and beta monkeys. The beta monkey tricks the alphas into a socialism where the alphas support the betas. Cycles or revolt and control repeat, the end.one_plum

Consider the opposite.

If at some point, when 100 beta monkeys work for a system to keep 1 alpha monkey happy, the beta monkeys would look pretty stupid.

He mentioned revolt. How many people live in China?
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#6 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

If it takes significantly more words for a rebuttal, something ain't right.  Your post does a better job showing the critical thinking skills of current liberals.

Of course it took more words, it's fairly well written and actually has some humour to it.

If someone had the time they could make up the progressive side of the story, but there isn't any need to because it's a waste of time. Unless you're a comedian.
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#7 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

No, because it's missing two events:

1. The part where the smartest members of the class, realizing that they would see their GPAs tank, would leave class that first day, head for their advisors, and withdraw, either to transfer to another section with a more meritocratic system in place ot to wait until that experiment failed.

2. The part where the remaining smart member of that section, realizing after the first test that unless everyone pitched in, they'd fail, hunted down the slackers and either executed them "for the good of the class" or sent them to the gulag.


Leave the class meaning the richest would leave the country and the totalitarians would rise up to force compliance with those that didn't get away, which would make a number three.

3. Civil war.

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#8 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

No.  For one, the students weren't born into their grades, they all earned their grade after the first test.  I'd like to see this experiment performed where 1/3 of the class starts out with C's, 1/3 with A's, and 1/3 with F's.  Having the entire class start out from a blank slate is actually quite socialist in spirit.  Second, that's quite a broad generalization of socialism.  If we're talking about a socialism where everything is distributed equally ot everyone then yes, it highlights a problem within that system.  However, there are many different kinds of socialism, like cooperative socialism where all businesses are employee-owned.  Hell, Karl Marx referred to the sort of socialism where everyone was subject to the will of the masses as crude communism and said it negates the creative capacity of man in every sphere of existence.  Moreover, I've often seen this example used to discount what we commonly call socialism today, that is the existence of programs to help the poor and provide a safety net.  This example certainly doesn't speak to that as those programs don't give the same "grades" to the entire country, but rather ensure a minimum standard of living that still leaves quite a lot of room for improvement.  That we naturally compete with one another doesn't mean we have to let our competitiveness become cutthroat.

Everyone gets "general welfare" wrong. It's not a safety net. It's for everyone. People will see that they can get greater benefits from working themselves instead of relying on the "safety net."
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#9 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

This does a better job at illustrating why Conservatives are stupid.


Ad hominem incoming!


Joe Conservative wakes up in the morning and goes to the bathroom. He flushes his toilet and brushes his teeth, mindful that each flush & brush costs him about 43 cents to his privatized water provider. His wacky, liberal neighbor keeps badgering the company to disclose how clean and safe their water is, but no one ever finds out. Just to be safe, Joe Conservative boils his drinking water.

Joe steps outside and coughsthe pollution is especially bad today, but the smokiest cars are the cheapest ones, so everyone buys em. Joe Conservative checks to make sure he has enough toll money for the 3 different private roads he must drive to work. There is no public transportation, so traffic is backed up and his 10 mile commute takes an hour.

On the way, he drops his 12 year old daughter off at the clothing factory she works at. Paying for kids to go to private school until theyre 18 is a luxury, and Joe needs the extra income coming in. Times are hard and therere no social safety nets.

He gets to work 5 minutes late and misses the call for Christian prayer, and is immediately docked by his employer. He is not feeling well today, but has no health insurance, since neither his employer nor his government provide it, and paying for it himself is really expensive, since he has a precondition. He just hopes for the best.

Joes workday is 12 hours long, because there is no regulation over working hours, and Joe will lose his job if he complains or unionizes. Today is an especially bad day. Joes manager demands that he work until midnight, a 16 hour day. Joe does, knowing that hell lose his job if he does not.

Finally, after midnight, Joe gets to pick up his daughter and go home. His daughter shows him the deep cut she got on the industrial sewing machine today. Joe is outraged and asks why she doesnt have metal mesh gloves or other protection. She says the company will not provide it and shell have to pay for it out of her own pocket. Joe looks at the wound and decides theyll use an over the counter disinfectant and bandages until it heals. Shell have a scar, but getting stitches at the emergency room is expensive.

His daughter also complains that the manager made suggestive overtures towards her. Joe counsels her to be a good girl and not rock the boat, or shell get fired and theyll be out the income.

His daughter says she cant wait until shes 18 so she can vote for change or go to the Iraq War.

They get home and theres a message from his elderly father who cant afford to pay his medical or heating bills. Joe can hear him coughing and shivering.

Joe turns on the radio and the top story is a proposal in Congress to raise the voting age to 25. A rare liberal opinionator states that its an attempt to keep power out of the hands of working class Americans. The conservative host immediately quashes him, calling him a utopian idealist, and agreeing that people arent mature enough to make good choices until theyre at least 25.

Joe chuckles at the wine-swilling, cheese eating liberal egghead and thinks, Thank God I live in America where I have freedom!


If it takes significantly more words for a rebuttal, something ain't right.  Your post does a better job showing the critical thinking skills of current liberals.

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#10 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
Surprise. Surprise. No one here knows what capitalism is. The problem with everyone's economies today is they have capitalist rules in the markets. You either have it totally or not at all. It doesn't work when some players get to manipulate parts of the game.