Explain the three shell casings found near the window that were heard to hit the floor by workers one floor below. I am a ex-Marine and have been shooting for 39 years.
Shell casings can be put there by anyone, anytime. If someone standing a floor below someone shooting a rifle tried to tell me that they heard 3 distinct empty shell casings hit the floor in less than 12 seconds, I'd call them a liar. What were the floors made of, plywood?
Shell casings with Oswald's fingerprints on them? Get real. One thing the Marines have shooters do is shoot 10 rounds in less than a minute. I could certainly squeeze off 3 shots within 8 seconds if I wanted and it was show on the Discovery Channel several years ago that the rifle used buy Oswald could be fired 3 times in under 8 seconds. The Crimes of the Century: JFK Recreating Oswald also talks about how Oswald could make the shot including the fact that Elm St. has a declination of 3.9 degrees downwhill from the Texas Book Depository which means that at the angle Oswald was shooting at, Kennedy was a stationary target.
Also, without any damage to the left side of Kennedy's skull and the fact that Jackie Kennedy was not killed kills any thought that there was a shooter on the grassy knoll as any shot from there, on the right side of Kennedy would certainly have damaged the left side of his skull and splattered Jackie with his brain and blood or killed her too.
Was Oswald alone behind killing Kennedy? Hard to say as he went to his grave with that secret when Jack Ruby shot him days later.
What about the building across Houston Street? It has a better angle for a shot on Elm St. Someone could have shot from that building. And probably the shot that caused the most damage.
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