It's a brawler with Shoen Jump(SP?) characters and some anime characters, from what I know I believe it to only available in japan. If anyone knows the name of this game please post and refresh my memory. :D
I havn't had any problems with my DS's, i've had a phat and I still have my Lite. I agree with one of the posters who said you all must not be careful and treat your eletronics like they are ment to be treated since they are delicate.
This idea will most likely stay a rumor. Nintendo knows how ridiculous a dual touch screen would be and how ridiculous it sounds, I don't think this is going to happen at all. So keep dreaming :P
Pokemon use to be a really big franchise, especially when I was a kid. Now it still is decently popular but when i go into gamestops i see no pokemon cards(because they dont sell them there) and tons of Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire sitting on the shelf. The DS version of Pokemon (Diamond and Pearl) are usually sold out. I still like Pokemon and can't wait for Platinum to come out. But my answer to this question would be no, it wouldnt be "cool" if they were real.
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