games I dont have:
- Red Dead Redemption
- Modnation Racers
- Last Guardian
- God of War III
Lantern-Cusp's forum posts
Finaly with pics :P
You really think it's the best looking game on consoles? I think it's very far from it, at least on screenshots...
Doesnt even look that great, not as good as Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. Almost identical to MW2 graphics IMO
- 3 PS3 games have the best console graphic this gen ( KZ2, U2 and GOW3 ) .
- The only game this gen the won the most award is Uncharted 2. PS3 exclusive.
- PS3 currently have a fresh yet innovative new IP ( LBP, 3D Dot Heroes, Eye of Judgement, Heavy Rain )
- PS3 is the only console where 256 players can play each other during online multiplayer. MAG anyone ?
- PS3 have the only AAAA exclusive game this gen, MGS4
- PS3 so far have 2 GOTY in a row, MGS4 and Demon`s souls
- Demon`s Souls is probably the most challenging yet difficult RPG so far.
- PS3 have Blu-ray. FACT
Like anyone cares, dude
MGS4 is not AAAA, at least not in Metacritic or Gamerankings
Haven't you heard, this forum only goes by GS scores. Same argument that people use against one console comes back to kick em in the butt
What franchises would it be?
I would want sony to trade Uncharted for Halo but I know that alot of yall would go into rage if that happens LOL
OMG why on earth would you trade Uncharted for Halo????????? ( if your a ps3 owner lol )
I would trade killzone for mass effect
Simple question, I am interested to see the general consensus.
Do you prefer the overall experience of playing through a story or competing in various games online?
NOTES: split screen campaign or co-op online campaign count as "single player"
for me I choose story/campaign any day of the week.
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