Free Radical is awesome.
SOCOM, never been a fan, but I'll give it a try, but SOCOM won't be coming out until late 2008.
Battle Field looks pretty good, I like the explosion effects, but wtf?, how come the 360 gets a beta of BF:BC, but the PS3 doesn't
when you preorder it. Shows how loyal they are to the PS3 doesn't it? lol.
Also BF comes out in June, like a week or so after MGS 4, so unless if this game is amazing then I won't buy it.
Another thing why do people complain about Haze being delayed. Yeah it's been delayed alot but that's a good thing. Yeah it's frustrating that it's not coming out until May, but it shows that Free Radical are working hard and trying to give us a good game with out any bugs or glitches. It's not like it was the only game delayed:
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