@aajep I earn money by saving. Heck, I even help around the house just to earn some money. Before, I had to beg for my mom to buy me Devil May Cry 3. Or Resident Evil 4. I have already experienced the "pay for a game and get the whole thing" by the way. EA a greedy company, yes that's true. But they bring me good games like Medal of Honor, Battlefield, Dead Space or Army of Two. They're good games to me. I enjoyed them. If people think they're bad, well alright. That's cool. I completely respect their opinion. But being the careless gamer I am, probably any game will look good to me.
I don't pay for extras. I'm 14 years old who's saving up his money. I just get the game, play it and finish it. That's how I grew up playing video games.
I might consider getting it. I've only played the 2nd one. It was a really good game. I don't know about you guys, but I like EA. Sure they're greedy bastards, but half of they're games are really good.
LeonRedfield334's comments