@damacdon @silvergol @Leonagard yup I have to improve my grammar... sorry if it hurts you... ;) I tried my best to express myself. Try to understand... like a puzzle game lol...
Im considering buying a WiiU when it goes on a price cut only for mariokart 8 alone... Nintendo has always the best imaginative and inovative features on their franchises... also when the new Zelda shows up besides graphics... they play different from eachother and have lots of fun... look why the indie developers are geting a lot of merit for their creations, and AAA titles are stagnated on the same formula and mechanics, there are risks like Diablo 3 inovate and most ppl hate the way they chose to improve the game... cover shooters mechanics since Gears of War are all the same... Action Games got averything they could from God of War with quitcktinme events too destroy the gamming experience transforming a game into a movie to watch... modern FPS shooters can only improve the graphics and some minor features that bring nothing new at all, I miss the time I played the first fps wolfenstine 3D followed by Doom, Heretic... benig inovative is something hard to achieve... Maybe Destiny wiill bring back the immersion and fun the shooters have lost to me.
100% agreed.... this is how a game should be. Almost every game now looks like a movie, everything is disposable in this world... but I still want a new IP from them... got tired of Mario universe
I like to buy digitaly... I dont care anymore to have a disc but I want the downloaded copy of the game to be mine as a backup if I want... and offline play aswell.
@carolino Those who call upon themselves as "makers" of somethimg good in the past and are just teasing the crowds... dont expect too much before actualy playing the game... the next will be the wing commander maker that is a GOD for the hype... his next game looks good but actually still nothing and ppl gave money as a kickstarter for him to make his spacesim game... Torchlight 2 was the same make by those who work on Diablo long time ago... and it brings nothing good or new... we need creative minds notthe same formula overused like this... ans I REALLY LOVE ARPGS...
lol yeah! ppl are crazy Im sure its not a10!! its all the same overused elements of zombies and posapocaliptic... nothing really new... inovative... these ellements are the reason for a 10... starting that this game folow the same aspects of other survival horror games and pretends to be a movie... its not a 10. at least for me... but I will enjoy playing this game because I like the theme. if want to see a 10 lol go to ign... they aways give 10's
@darkgod656 @EchoMedic noone played and are just folloing a wave of 10's and 9's this game got on metacritic... whicht is insane... ita a survival horror game that looks great!... why this rage because other reviewers opinions are not their own... I almost have certain that this game is not a 10... maybe 9... 8,5.... but still GREAT... hell lol
hAVE YOU ALL PLAYED AND FINISHED THE GAME??... STOP COMPLAIN!!... AND GO FOR METASCORE... END. Buy the game, play it and forget that number that tells nothing if you think the game is the best game out there taht deserves a 10...
Leonagard's comments