@suppaphly42 guess what? A.U.R = ALL USER HATERS! lol ok Diablo 3 Vannilla hater... well Diablo 3 was good and R.o.S still good an 8.0 to 9.0 for sure on any platform.. Diablo "she" wasnt Diablo himself! why complain about that the story is not over yet!
@syf82277 You didn't lost anything... when the servers goes down I mean the cloud system your characters are still saved there but the game goes online if you want without the save option... Anything you creathe wont saved... the game warns you...
@BaDMantra Online gameplay is good the only reason to play ofline is hacking the game... I already found on Consoles... are there any editor ??? this cant be true... someone just droped a legendaryt 3 socked 4000+ DMG &*$%¨one handed sword! wtf!!!??? thats why I prefer the game always online... Legendary drops are tooo common on Console that it loses the value of being legendary... anyway its better than PC... I hope Reaper of Soul less but better drops work... they shoul bring back the enchanter idea so we can mod our itens...
Leonagard's comments