@Thanatos2k: Its just simple and clear to console players understand. they fail delivering a D&D simulator. Theres nothing about diablo in this game charanter actions are automatic... auto attacks etc. I like the gme so far but Im upset about customizations options and DM been far from what a 2002 game were... one word... NEVERWINTER NIGHTS! a tremendous experience for all D&D fans and gamers like me who barely played the board game.
@davillain-: sure?... ty for calling me young :) I just edit it for you put the best word that suit your mind there ... still in CAPS... whats the problem? BTW I was joking... :P I just dont want to see any scene until december. And every fan should've have done it... regards!
well lol why doesent it have the same MP mode as NEVERWINTER!!!? I guess the reason is that CONSOLE GAMERS wont participate... thats sad... a PC game turned into console audience for profit...
Leonagard's comments