@LukeWesty @Leonagard right she was trying to be real all the time... and the time now is about receate a MOVIE feel to all games that is the point... I mean a fantasy character not "Cartoon - goofy" but you are right about realism... now they almost got it Real are you happy :) I wish you a good game ;) I think Ill pass. Im not sad about it just tired of games like this...
@NTenseify @Leonagard Ok I agree that there are place for Realism I've finished NiNOKuni :) GREAT and rare GAME nowadays... I love realism sometimes on Racing Games, Simulations or when it comes to fantasy worlds like Demon's Souls or Dragon's Dogma... anyway those games are far from trying to been REAL so they're more believeble... but those games are not REAL sims nor MOVIE camera sims... Lara lost some charm as character (I cant deny that the franchise needed those changes to stay alive to another run closer to uncharted atmosphere for the masses) to become a "Real Person"... anyway I'll try it... maybe it plays well.
@NTenseify @Leonagard I will complain about Realism over the lack of creativity for the rest of my life... that's the point not realism itself that still unbeliveble in games... all AAA games today looks the same AssCreed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7... Uncharted... 1234567... they may play well and care about storytelling but when realitty comes to be the major pillar on a game you know that a real GAME like Okami will never come back...
Lara's body design have lost a cartoony appeal to make the game more "dramatic","realistic" and "beliaveble"... I just wanna play a videoGAME not a MovieGame...Developers have to look back or some day games will turn to be focused only on simulations.
OK... lets talk about the 3 dungeon crawler that ENRaaged D2 fans are looking at.... IMHO Diablo 3 is the best dungeon crawler out there, Torchlight is pooor compared to it way tooo easy and Im not looking at what D2 was... POE has its merits and reminds me a Isometic Demon's Souls version but still theres no artistic direction on this game creature designs are poor nor the great improvements of change your character anytime you want, look at diablo 2 you have to start all over again if you made a mistake... stop this nonsense it has some great improvements and support that no other game has. The next patch is also adding new features to alow ppl to play easy trough Inferno... I have played 500hs+ counting all classes and hardcore chars to lvl 58... for now i quit to play Path of Exile but I'll be back for sure... D3 was IMHO the best game of 2012, not at release for sure but it got better and better... and still goes till the next expansion.
@bonzibuddyxxx agreed ... TL2 is not worthy playing more than 80hours... and with "MOds" or (let me spell right...) "CHEATs" the game is simply the "FUN" of beeing overpowered as a "GOD"... A casual player funfare game... POE is a lot better than TL2 and have many improvements with reminds me Demon's Souls kind of atmosphere but still ages ago of D3 improved mechanics and replayability IMO... Anyway I've been playing them all and cant w8 for POE's 3rd act.
Zippy Race... Karate Champ... Black Tiger... Galaxian.... 1943... Ghost'n Goblins good times!... I will never forget these moments she's telling about... best luck to her!
@edinsftw @Hekteur Skill trees are good but a dated system and when you have the option to change everything on the fly D3 runes are realy the best ARPG system to date... folowed by Titans Quest witch was one of the best in the past when you were able to mix classes on Skill trees... The only lesser flaw with D3 was... They killed Kain!!! lol... I played lots of ARPG since DIablo1 and and I love the story... sometimes I felt like you but at the end D3 is fast paced and I like it more than other skill tree based RPGs like TL2 that I played for 100hs+ Elite with all classes that dont have any story element to hook you up and you cant respec without lots of cheats("MODS") I'm playing Path of Exile and its great but the art is not quite good to please my eyes but the system is going good and theres some "dark souls feel on its storyline"... there still more to come for sure and I wish all ARPG to be good... Hekteur wrote all those ppl have to think about their games when developers goes on a different aprouch on their franchises Blizzard support is the best! new content for free updates and more... You paid fair $60 for a game that you can play 200hs+... so enjoy it, ;)
maybe this game will hit US on 2014-15 despite that its a MMO... good to see another ARGP in development but I will stay with Diablo 3 for 500+hs yet... after patch 1.05 the game got improved with monster power and other new features!
Leonagard's comments