I got NO hopes either! to all that think this game will be like Origins or better.... its a LIE!!! ... I miss Neverwinter user content and dungeon master real online RPG... because of that Im looking after it on Neverwinter MMO which will include this feature, giving players the power of creativity!
I don't care for realistic FPS games... but Keyboard and mouse play support for PS3... far as I know it was only for internet navigation, wasnt it?... I always wonder why most FPS developers wont implement it to other FPS games like Killzone or Resistance... thumbs up Valve!
@Megavideogamer Play it and enjoy... this game would have sold 3 million if under D&D flag... lol... but anyway if you like the 80's and especially 90's Shadow over Mystarayou will enjoy Dragon's Dogma.
what? are you serious?.... I miss the time you have limited credits to beat a game no health regen on FPS like DOOM etc... everything sounds easy nowadays... D3 inferno has to be impossible so the game never ends... but loot system and mandatory AH have destroyed the game for me not the difficulty...
Still playing and going to beat inferno!! just play it like FIFA Sport game with RL friends... I really hate the AH where you can aquire the items to beat inferno... that's why Im still playing...
@fightingfish18 I think cracked D3 will need a permanent connection... cuz the game resources sounds graphics etc are stored at online servers... hope it never happen to bit torrent...
Leonagard's comments