@soulfulDAGGER: Sometimes I play a lot... last session of doom 3 bfg last 3hs... after a break I jumped to other games for another 3hs... Pll need to know that your brain will get used to motion sickness and adverse feelings that now I feel like playing on my monitor but with real 3d scale presence. Even Skyrim are smooth now on VorpX
I will sitck with Vive, exclusive console BS on a PC peripheral! I hope developers wont support this but since they are buying them in... we will have to wait and see whats comming next... I hope all those exclusives fail!
@Pedro: we may call it a visual interactive experience. that dont need to have rules nor skills etc. like in Journey. gameplay wise Journey feels good although you dont need to have any skill to experience it.
Why are ppl talking about the >controls suck< ? it plays different from Souls! when you figure how it works the controls are better and instances are very ntreresting to play with. I had no issues with Nioh controls.
Leonagard's comments