@megawalrus: sorry you can clearlly see the difference from gameplay footage DS3 is faster than DS almost the same as Bloodborn that was a lot better... the only problem was the fCKing guns and less weapon choices...
Nice visuals but... in a Realism RPG loot fest... not for me. I was expecting more from the beta... not sure if there's somethig in this game that will blow my mind... I would stay with Destiny over this one if I want a Shooter Loot RPG...
@sladakrobot: and see what happen with offlinemode... somebody created a savegame editor that fucked online play forever... (since blizz alowed character import that virus went to ps4 and xb1) I like both versions they are totally different from eachother... as a melee character its fine to have direct control with gamepad and I like the closer camera... as ranged... well its a disaster compared to the top orthografic caera on pc also controls are terrible since you need strategic point the enemies to get it done!....
@thochaos:I had the same Illness but I got the cure.... this is what P2P models do.. colectibles per log in... the game was great and fun to play but MMO aspects and the "need" of 50+ heroes AND teammates killed it for me also the bland backgrounds and maps that does not match with heroes art style hurts my eyes...
@megawalrus: if witcher had a control squeme like shadows of mordor or god of war maybe it would sell better.... but RPGs like this wont appeal to the masses anyway.
@corinthas: Thats the same I think about witcher 3 a great game for sure great story and graphics... gameplay wise or RPG? not the best I've had seen... Predefined character apearence and weapons useless loots... kills its RPG aspect for me... there are for sure many options to build yous skilltree but overall not fun. Dev Support was amazing tho... even the movement asscreed like they changed to the best instant action... the game got better but at this time I have had finished it already and have no reasons to startover...
Leonagard's comments