@ChiefFreeman Ballmer is already on the way out. I forget the date, but he's already announced his retirement. Ballmer did some good things, but his time is clearly done based on MS's most recent endeavors.
@DarkChyld They've shown plenty of games, but they are now in competition with more than just other consoles. It is important that they add these features that you might think are pointless. They have to compete with Apple tv, smartphones, tablets, pc's, ps4, wii u, steambox, and probably some new tech that will come along in the coming years.
@k1fry67 @SurfaceNerd @dillon-peters Exclusives is where the differences will show as always. The PS4 architecture is easier this time around, so you wont see low quality multiplat games in the coming gen.
1. Your console costs $100 more than the supposed more powerful competitors console
2. You keep flip flopping on your strategy of claiming your console is more powerful than people think (you say it's really powerful, but expect us to just trust you without sharing details. Especially in the part that makes the biggest difference when comparing the 2 consoles, the GPU).
3. Quality of games is relative to the individual players.
I plan on getting XB1 first, but you are really starting to push me the other way MS.
@AyatollaofRnR @megamatics Not only that, but they are talking about their machines being upgradeable. I think that the console business is as profitable as it is because their is no need to upgrade. It will be interesting to see what Valve does, but it doesn't seem very promising to me. This doesn't sound a whole lot different than that Nvidia Shield garbage was. I've heard they are pushing using those Nvidia servers(I forgot what they are called). That means that they will be relying on streaming services/cloud sevices to play games. If that's the case, then no thanks, I'll stick to my pc and gaming consoles.
@RicanV @LeperousAvenger @danabo Read a book or just Google it. A powerful server can process far more systems than just one. That's like saying Google needs a server for each search someone does.
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