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To many good animes to watch, OMG which one!?

So, its seems that Black Cat got deleted from youtube, very weird, *sign* but I gotta move on and I gave a try to Eyeshield 21, great anime! thats not all, I also tryed Eureka 7, just two episodes and I'm very impressed gotta keep watching it, however I'm forgeting Bleach... this was supossed to be borrowed long time ago and also Gundam SEED.... arrggg... I gotta choose to watch... *faints* ....Ah..*snaps* Thanks to youtube I'm watching many animes that I wanted to watch... now, what do I watch first!?

I gave a try to Eyeshield 21 Ya-ha! (anime)

Since the very beggining when I knew about game for DS based on an anime called Eyeshield 21 it draw my attention, this was like a year ago, so, I looked on Gs about this game and found that it has a three gameplay videos... when I watched the video I saw the great effort of Nintendo on this game, this gave me enough will to decide to watch it... I watched the first 8 episodes (on youtube) all in a row, the first episode was in a bad quality, it was hard to read the subtitles but it kept my interest to continue with the second one and when I noticed it was the episode 8!

This is the second anime I start to watch (this week) w/out knowing to much about it, the other one is Black Cat; I like this one too, but I'm going more for Eyeshield 21.

Eyeshield 21 is about a dude that just advanced to high school, he was bullied and now that he is in high school he wants to change that and make friend that dont take adventage of him, by this he enlist to the football club as the manager of the team, leaded by a crazy dude and a fat guy, but he notices his ability to run fast and takes action in game ... better watch it for yourself...

Gosh! I hate religion and team homework!!!

I cant belive this year we are going to recieve the double of religion that the before!! :evil: the worst of all is the homework, besides being very stupid is very heavy, I have to copy three pages of the religion book and after that make a sumary (soo stupid), I gotta make another stupid report plus copy more stuff arrggg... thats not all, I got team homewok for another subject I hate: Manualities. No way!! team homework in the first class, I + 5 morons have to do a marionets and we have to dramatize with those things what a pain!!! I work better on my own... always!... AH! there is more!! I have to do "social time" with 4 morons more! The worst of all is that the nuns at my school look at me like if I were a demon... just because I'm not Christian they try to convert me or make a bad reputation of me... I just have to hold this year... just this year. I dont work in teams... the other people just get in my way :evil: arrrrrhgggg.

Approved list of N64 games by Leu!

I got my N64 in 2000 and I played it by 4 years, in those years I played lots of N64 games and now I can give a list of good games:

  • TloZ Ocarina of Time
  • TloZ Majora's Mask
  • Starfox 64
  • Perfect Dark (expansion pak only)
  • Jet Force Gemini
  • Mario Kart 64
  • GoldenEye 007
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Quest 64 (game underrated by GS)
  • Super Mario 64
  • Paper Mario
  • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
  • Star Wars: Ep. I Racer
  • Goemon (both games)
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Duke Nuken: Zero Hour
  • Shadowman 64
  • Super Smash Bros
  • International Super Star Soccer (not sure which, I dont remember the number)
  • Conker Bad Fur Day (mostly because of the multiplayer)
  • Rayman 2: The Great Escape

The only games in that list that I didnt beated are Rayman (beated by my brother) and Goemon's Great Adventure (the dude that let my borrow it didnt give me enough time :cry: ), there are some game that I dont know how good are like Ogre Battle 64 and other ones...Next list will be GC or a videogame history special.

You: Dude! again no fighting game in that list besides SSB!

Leu: I was thinking on one of Mortal Kombat or Killer Instint Gold, but it was because those games had lots of "holes" meanwhile SSB is fun for 4 players, even with some holes.

Aproved list of GBA games by Leu!

I'm my lifetime I've played lots of GBA games, some of them crappie others great games and there is always one that doesnt call my attention, the next list of games are the ones I aprove as good games for the GBA 10% werent played by me and   I already beated most of them.

  • Fire Emblem
  • Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
  • Super Robot Taisen OG I & II
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
  • Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories  (just ignore Disney)
  • River City Ramson Ex
  • Advance Wars I & II
  • Warioware
  • Warioware: Twisted
  • Pokemon, all the versions (green, ruby, emerald...)
  • Dragon Ball Adventure
  • Alien Hominid
  • Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town
  • Final Fantasy VI (even if hasnt been relased)
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
  • TloZ: A Link To The Past
  • TloZ: Minish Cap
  • Megaman Zero (just play one of the four and thats it)
  • Megaman Battle Network (same)
  • Catlevania: Aria of Sorrow
  • Boktai: The Sun Is In Your Hand
  • Boktai: 2 Solar Boy Django
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Golden Sun I & II

Everything else is s***! just kidding:P I thinked very carefully about adding a game in there, that doesnt mean that a complete list of the good games, later I'll make a N64 list aproved by me!

You: I dont see any fight genre game in there, why?

Leu: Cuz every fighting game for GBA is sux s***, there isnt a real good fighting game.

You: I see that you added lots of turn based strategy games why is that? how do we know that you are being fair?

Leu: TBS games is the genre that really rocks in the GBA, there are lots, but those I listed must be in it.

You: Is true that you beated most of those games?

Leu: Just like 60% of them

First day of school is over and...

No one seemed sad, could it be their stupidness? thats why they dont know how serious is the trouble of the dude? anyway, I think this year I'm finally friendless and its seems that the time of classes will be reducted, I wont go in the afternoon, just for computer classes (like if I need) and... religion! no way. So, maybe I'll be messing around more time...

Tomorrow is school and with it sad news come

So, tomorrow school and I finally got my hair cut, the next pictures represent how I had it and how is now:


Look, I seem to be sadder with the short hair, damn...well seriously that isnt the bad news, the real bad news is one of my classmates dad got killed yesterday and his son (my classmate) got punched and burned, real bad, if he is in danger of death he might not make it, cuz his dad was beated, shooted and finally burned to death in front of him, that is big trauma... tonight is the before funeral thing for his dad (dont know the english name for this) and I wont be going, its going to be a bad first day of classes with almost everyone around being sad. (yes Sim_genius, this was on news, you might have seen it).

A little of videogame history - The three years of darkness

"The fall of the videogames of 1983 was an event that marks the history of the electronic entertainment forever. It was about a general collapse in the videogame industry and bankruptcy many companies, which produced PCs and videogames in the US (Yes, it was US people foult) at the end of 1983 and beginning of 1984, which brings the end of the second generation of home consoles (oops, they didnt said Arcade). This happened in the US, (...a-em, lets keep reading), however it was a problem for us too (refering to people not from the US).The down was falowed by three years of darkness (Topic) for videogamers, the industry lost credibility (?, sorry I didnt find the right word on the dictionary).

The mesiah (Insert legendary hero music from Zelda Wind Waker if possible)

The dark years came to and end in October of 1985, with the relesed of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), console tha was relased in Japan in 1983 (Yes, the same year when all the mess begun). It was a hard work to raise the industry again..."

CN year 15 N 8

I Hope is clear cuz I had to translate it from spanish to english and now pay more respect to the NES or I'll kill you :evil:

When I return to school I may prepare more history from ye old days. Remember to tag this so more people will know.