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Leu-kun Blog

I can download stuff again... a Macrovision conspiracy?

So, I can download and maybe better than before, because I had to download the Megaupload Download Manager... somethings not right... I have seen many people complain of Megaupload, I do a little, Megaupload is the one that gives me more trouble tha the other places (Gigasize, sendspace...) but it was ok, but maybe that of I cant download the file at 100% may be a tactic to make me download that damn tool... and I remember that I had to download their megaupload toolbar to download stuff from there, yep... just something is out of place... with what are they going to come next?

I Cant download stuff... OMG, OHNOEZ, HOLY S***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since yesterday, everytime I try to download something, the download stops when its at 50%, I have just done downloads from Megaupload, I thought it was low memory in my Hard disk, ok I burned a DVD to free some space, but I still cant.... Holy s*** what can I do, now when I start IE I get an error message saying someting like "The instruction at "0x(some numbers that change)" makes reference to the memory at "0x(again)". The memory couldnt read...." any idea of how to fix this?.. I'll check by meself...

OMG my anime :cry:

Signature give away

I must add something:

If you are going to take a signature claim it dont just take it, if you are unable to post just PM me or e-mail me but I dont want my creations being used more than once.

Already took

Already took

I'm feeling somewhat sad to give away the ones from Berserk...

Leu's quest for a Wii is finally over...

(Yesterday) I got it but... I hate Radioshack... because they said that they had the Wii for $400 ($420 normal price here) with Two (which I can be able to choose)... but at the end that publicity was tottally fake... why did they even made a whole newpaper article of that promotion if it was FAKE... man... I was extited with that of the two games... now I just have thw normal Wii set... I dont even have the second controller... but I'm happy, my little brother is happy, my parents... somewhat happy and those bastards of Radioshack are also happy... My Wii friend code is 6023 0684 7331 9143

So... today at school my whole classroom had to perform "The Passion of Mel Gibson" ... I hate this time of the year, we had to do it all live action in front of all the school... of course I choose to be one of the extras but I wasnt at all an extra... and my brake just started today and is going to be over on May 10th.

My brother was able to borrow "True Crime: New York City", but just this game and Wii sports wont last me this whole break.

And I'm going to make a Signature give away from the works I did when I didnt had Internet... I was going to upload it to those Gamespot photoalbums but the page give me lots of errors... if you want one before I post all those signature here this is what I did:

  • Two Berserk signatures
  • One Crystal Chronicles
  • One from FF VII
  • One of Hellsing
  • One from Mega Man ZX
  • On from Trigun (working more of Trigun but I promised those somewhere else)

YEAH!!!! I'M BACK!!!!! *big yell*

OMG... I was offline for an entire week... because of my modem... huh? nobody noticed that I was missing!?

Anyway... meanwhile I wasnt here... the only thing I could do was to be sitted in front of my computer staring it...I could do something else because I was sick... for two days... in the other time I did some signatures as training (I said I was going to get some mastery with Photoshop) and maybe I'm going to give away those works I did...

At the start of the past week... things got a bit dicey... my break was going to start (this 29th) and now my GC is death... my GBAs... dead... my atari 2,600 ... dead... my PC... the game I got doent work or I have beated those games over and over and over... my Intellevision games... hell no! my Sega Genesis...I just dont have enough will to play it... my N64... games beated over and over plus the controls make my fingers cry after a lot... this break is going to suck but... wait! I can see a light... a light! Holy S***! i-is it... is it for real? :cry: .... a Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... no, not yet... I was going to go and buy it today (for $400, a rip... but I can hold myself anymore) but there came some bussiness that didnt let me... so... one day of this or next week my be my day... the day in which I get a Wii!!! *cries of happiness*

So, what happened meanwhile I wasnt here?

Evil punish... I mean lesson... on hold!? damn HTML! anyway, plan revealed


A dumb girl from the school did something stupid on the Internet and I was going to teach her a lesson my evil way, plan was supposed to end on March 18th but...


So, what she did? she made a e-mail with some moral stuff wrote in it and at the end it said some stuff that is very offensive to a lot of people and also asked the people that read that mail to re-sent it to all the people they could ( wtf :evil: ? ) , then I saw something, an amateur mistake, in that mail that could be used for evil... her full real name

How am I going to use her name for evil? you see, the name was attached with her e-mail adress... get it? if I google her name and her e-mail adress I could access to her profiles in the websites she is into and take personla information.

How is that going to help? First, I know who she is in real life, so I can get extra info, with all that I could send her a evil mail threaten her with his information, I could tell her all I know about her but she doesnt know who am I, I could tell her that I'm going to kill her if she doesnt do ? thing :twisted: ...

So, I had to gatter some info before I start the plan... but I found something that made me lv down the evilness... the person that did that wasnt her... but her mom... and she is fat :shock:! making the % ratio of a heart attack if I add something rushed to the mail (and as I said my objective isnt death)... ok, but what happened next, because the mail was resent a lot of times the HTML gets corrupted after I resent it once more time (I just could come with the threaten :P and I resent it to myself to test it ) and the time of day arrived and I was unable to do it... :(

That doesnt mean I wont do it, but 18th was an special event on the school and I was going to use it for the plan... so, next time... next time...

Oops! almost forgot,  now the plan also includes her mom :twisted:

PS Now playing Metroid Fusion... even I didnt played it before I approved it, but now I'm actually playing it and I must say... that is piece of cake, but still great.

Leu's survey... on my friend list

User                   Status          Gs lv

  • 94iceman94             active                    9
  • aRE-you-AFraid         active                  13
  • bbtcbbtc                  active                   15
  • bryehngeocef           active                   28  
  • bulletsword              active                    27
  • CyberZero104         active                    20      
  • Dark-prince619       active                    11
  • DarkMaster7991    active                     7
  • Dark_InuYasha17   active                    12
  • Djammal86              active                    13
  • drewski90                active                     19
  • Ed_2002                  not active                 3
  • Elviathan                  active                    17
  • ensatsu-ken             active                      2
  • Fire_Ants                 active                     22
  • flipwits                      active                     20
  • gaara257                  active                    9
  • HavQ-san                 active                     19
  • hockey73                  active                     24
  • iangrima                    active                     10
  • InfernoLiger007       active                      4
  • jackspicer022           not active                2
  • Japenesse_900         active                      1
  • Jpatnaude04             active                     11
  • juanmarcop               active                     20 
  • keen_desire              not active                7 
  • lagosboy                    active                     31
  • lee7373                      active                     22
  • LOLhahaDEAD        active                     17
  • MadMoonX               active                     5
  • meganstrife                active                     15
  • minevich1                   active                     15
  • Naruto_Phonetic        active                     21
  • NHLfreak                   active(?)                25    
  • Noj_Leakim               active                     20
  • Phoshy42o                  active                     3             
  • professor_Q               active(?)                13
  • PvtCaboose23            active                    14
  • Quintly                        active                    10
  • Resist_or_Serve        active                     3
  • RSCNAVYSPAZ          not active               7
  • Ryuumizu                   banned                  5
  • s0ild_snake                 active                   13
  • Sapphr_9227               active                    8
  • shaun80210                 active(?)               13       
  • Sim_genius                  active                   21
  • smithguy1234              active                    13
  • starfoxelite                  active                    12
  • talante                         active                     2
  • TheOT_King              active                     27
  • thestrateger                active                    12
  • the_tomboy                 active                    19
  • tv-gal12                       active                     1
  • veracity024                 banned                  23
  • viggi1                           active                     9
  • Yagr_Zero                   active                    17
  • Zap-O-Matic               active                    19
  • _Harvest_Moon         active                      7

Get a life Leu :evil:

Leu and his evil and harsh way to teach lesson of life...

Anytime I can correct somebody from something stupid that she or he does, I do it in a harsh and evil way :twisted:.

Yesterday I a (stupid) girl from school did something very stupid in Internet that could lead her to mayor troubles just to call the attention, so I, with my community spirtit (:twisted: + evil laughter), I'm going to give her a lesson that she wont forget ( :twisted: ) because of her stupid move... but how harsh can the lesson be, I wont tell it here, but she could get a trauma if I fail in one of my movements (seriously), her parents could be scared as hell :twisted: ... after I told a friend about what is going to be the plan about he decided to not participate in it because its to evil and risky, ok, I'll just have to kill him if says something (just kidding... about killing him, the other is for real).

This is going to be more like a psicholigical attack (somewhat like Death Note stuff), somewhat harmless unleast I take to much time or fail in one of my movements... stupid 14 old year spoiled girl ... what comes to think, why am I doing this? Why so much planing? Why am I being this harsh?... maybe I just want to feed that demon inside me :lol: :twisted: ... :|

Wtf? ... yay! XD

Yeah, I got almost 50% of exp from one day to another!! XD, I though I was stucked with lv 15, but today I was going to level up, but a surprise, now I'm haf way to lv 17!! :D