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I feel like talking about anime once again + games - Leu rants over and over...

Okay, I'm kinda away from my computer, I barely touch GS nowdays... anyway... I just came today to rants again (j/k[?])


Summon Night (GBA) --> Beated

Well... it resulted to be a kick ax game, what can I say... gameplay cool, music remind me the NES days but good, the art was indeed awesome but in the character faces while talking... the only thing that changes are the eyes and mounth and sometimes it takes away the fealing of the moment cuz of that, sad... graphics, divided in two, normal graphic and battle graphics, the first one was kinda a little above average and the other one somehow amazing. The history a little standar, but it had its many moments.

Possible final rate: 8.5

Approved game *thumbs up*

I felt this game a little better than Golden Sun 2... but this one doesnt have that "I dunno what" that makes it even more special.

Summon Night 2 (GBA)

Holy s***! Guess what, I also got a hold of this game... when I started it I felt it kinda worst, now that I'm like 30% far from the end... totally kicks a** even more that Golden Sun 2 and the prequel. Everything got updgraded in what I was really expecting more... just some stuff I didnt like as ever... the recycled history (almost the same but "this and that" are other deal), once again the character faces while talking -_- and the guardian guy that you choose... like the selection isnt from my like at the end I choose again the one from fire.

Possible rate until now: 9.5

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I didnt rant at all! (did I?) wait, this is just a portion of this blog post.

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So, I have so much anime right now, anime that I havent watched... making the sums it'll be 5 days in a row of nonstop anime... of course I'm not crazy enough to make that heroic movement :P (I'll be punking anime after the first day, depending in what do I watch first), so, what I've watched lately- what I was able to watch lately:

Naruto Shippuuden

I want to take out of my chest this guys, flame all you want if you are a Narutard but Naruto keeps kinda sucking even now that the filler are "over". This is just one opinion but before they were going aroun circles and things went slowly... but it was kinda interesting cuz those circles were chats... now they look Itachis face, now a close zoom to Naruto the Kakashi... some words, change of scene Zoom on Gai´s face, the camera focuses the bad guys, the again on Gai, some words, change of scene. Holy s***! I have to rate Naruto Shippuuden until now it might be a 5.6 and thats maybe too much.

Beck Mongolian Chop Squad

Until ep 6 right now, interesting, an anime about slackers that want to make a band sound like original, yes, I dont have to many rant in this one. Very smooth anime.


I fallowed Bulletsword recommendation on watching this one... cool... not that much... sometimes it get kinda boring, but as expected from an anime based on a game. Try it? Just if you liked Love hina cuz of the girls. Until ep 6.

Lucky Star

From the creators of Suzuimya Haruhi a new kick a** anime as commented by many anime fans/otakus... this made my let down even bigger, the three main girls are always on screen talking... nothing interesting for me, to confirm this I skiped scenes of the episodes I had and yes, every scene was filled with the three girls talking s***... Seriouslly I'm holding my breath so I dont rant a s*** of stuff, cause... *takes its time to re-stablish* it sucks hard for me, that it. Until ep 4 now and forever.

Chrno Crusade

The fact of nuns with guns... kinda freaks me out, cuz I go to a catolic school ruled by nuns, I cant stop having a mixed reaction while watching this. Very standar anime, but enjoyable indeed. Until ep 8 right now.

Sumo mo Momo mo The world strongest bride

Holy s***! Amazing anime, so freaking explicit (but amazing funny) that I have to watch it while my parents arent at home, until ep 9 right now. Its sad to know that it is just 22 episodes long. This one kinda remind me of Gash Bell/Zatch Bell because of the girl and the dude...

School Rumble

I found the first season at last! This anime is very unexpected most of times, which makes it very funny... well, I dont have an extended comment about this one, just that it rocks.

Some others as Death Note are missing I dont feel like talking about those.

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- In other news, did you guyz watched the new trailer of FF CC for Wii!? Amazing, thank God they dont look like babys in the Wii version *big relief*

- I may be getting Wii play (I should say a new Wii-mote plus Wii play :P) and Pokemon DS, plus maybe my first VC game.

- Trading games, bye bye for Star Fox Assault as it seems, I may be trading it, also Medabots Metabee Version... which a friend of mine lost it, now I will take his Zelda Minish Cap catridge as a pay :twisted: plus borrowing lots of games, hopefully not crappy as Mega Man X Command Mission which I dont even want to look at it.

- I saw Epic Movie, my comment:  :| I want that hour of my life back!

-I got a new DVD that reads DivX which makes my life easier when I want to look anime :D

- I missed Spider Man 3 in theaters :(

- My hand are again resistant to playing GBA non-stop :)

- I thinking about changing my avatar/sig/banner set in every Cnet profile... maybe Summon night now that I'm at it.

Golden sun 2, beated, Mega man X Command Mission (GC) and Summon Night (GBA)...

Okay guyz, lately I have managed to get many GBA games, and I'm playing like crazy.... yesterday I played Summon Night and Mega man the whole day and at night my left hand hurted a lot... but well, its the price of playing that much unstop.

Golden sun The lost age beated

So, I beated it... the ending was a mix of fealings... like lame :( ... but I beated the game yay :D ... yeah... well, if someone else beated it, he/she should have noticed than... the "Wise one" was a very unespired character and you got expecting more... but well. Possible final rate: 9

 PS: I screwed it at the end, I saved in the same file... :(

Mega Man X Command Mission (Gamecube)

Okay, Capcom over explodes Mega Man even more than Sega over explodes Sonic, but at least Capcom delivers a high quality game (as long you havent played many "Versions"), I'd like to say the same about this one... this game sucks.

I was wondering: Why Capcom, as they are, havent come out with more Command Mission games? *rants* because this one wasnt good enough, it lacked of several material to make the game, still they didnt abandoned the proyect... the only good thing I saw in this game where the graphics, which arent well applyed  to the game.

Summon Night Swordcraft story (GBA)

This game is really cool, yet... So, the gameplay is really cool, dinamic and interactive, is very similar to the Tales of Phantasia gameplay (GBA + others), but it lack of different attacks, but the movility is better and the battles really get exciting. One thing I dont like about it is that you spend all the start (or even more, I'm still stucked there) in the city you start, and in the same dugeon (wtf), like, I'm lv 20 and I havent seen another dugeon, plus the city in which you start, is kinda lame in the graphic side, the place is very "the same thing here and there" (lack of variety of tiles).

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My little brother is playing Yggdra Union which he says is a kick ax game. Kinda hard to believe, the battles take to long :/... thats all for today.

Stuff... Sonic (Wii), Super Gunstar Heroes (GBA) & Golden Sun 2 (GBA), my ri

Sonic and the secrets rings

I must admit that Sonic is finally catching uo with the new gen, but not quite yet...

The game was supposed to be about Sonic but maybe the mini-games (which makes the game 2x1), its like... the mini-games are the best and not the main game. The main game is kinda boring after playing it a little while, as the new cut-scenes (which this time arent annoying and boring, now is just boring), the dialogs really suck, I hate the Genie that is with Sonic, the music isnt that good, and cuz they use the same to much it ends being annoying; the mini-games are cool, but some dont have high synch with the control + many games can be played with just one controller, but they decided than not.

 Super Gunstar Heroes

I was hoping for the sequel of Gunstar Heroes... but, is it a sequel? I mean, this freaking game feels more like a remake with an overuse of what made cool the first one but this time it isnt that cool, the music is basically the same, the characters are the same ones with a new (and crappier) image, the difficult is incredible hard, you need to be a jedi to beat this game; the game its self keeps being cool but for the people that played the Genesis version (or the VC version) its lame, the history is so freaking lame that I hope the writter didnt won so much for making it.

Golden Sun The lost age

Once again I'm playing the game, simply cool, I didnt beated it the last time and starting againg would be annoying if this game werent that cool.

In other news, its seems like I got a problem with one of my ribs, I fractured it(I think thats the word)... I hope its a rib, cuz if it isnt that what could be? I slept with some pain yesterday, and almost collapsed, but now the pain is almost gone which leaves me kinda scared, it was to fast for a fracture, I just needed one day to recover for the uncontrolable pain, now it just hurts if I touch me there... someone that had a broken/fractured rib can give any tip fro his/her experience?

Like... I need to join some unions...

So, off-topic doesnt feel that cool anymore, I want to join some unions, anime union mainly and maybe game unions, so I need suggestion, I take your answers, but dont recommend me a union...

  • About Naruto (I dont want to spam the whole day, hell no)
  • About any anime, magazine or game in special
  • About gays (there are some unions of this if you didnt know)
  • About online games, saddly, I'm not an online player
  • About PC games, my computer sucks as a gaming systems

In other news, it seem like Zap-O-Matic got banned, sad but truth... I hope he had a real life.

What could be wrong with Gamespot? (talking about Zelda TP's review)

I played the game just for 3 days (I said 4 but one day there wasnt electricity here XO) and... just a moron wont notice how great the game is, I cant believe they gave it a rate below 9, what do they want? wtf do they want!?

Okay let see what they said:

"Twilight Princess contains the same expertly designed puzzles and time-tested gameplay that you've come to expect from the series, though parts of its presentation feel stuck in the past."

Well, about the last thing... dont all the games at one point? let see... God of War II was kinda the same as the first one, but that doesnt make it less cool, cuz it brings lots of new stuff; Halo, Halo 2, Halo Wars and Halo 3 is basically about the same, they are stuck in the past but it bring cool stuff to enjoy which is freaking sweet, even GTA! the same, but the gamplay and extras gets updgraded for each new game... then why they went wrong with Zelda TP? the want to be in the sight of many gamers that say: "Holy s***! Gs, didnt gave an almost perfect rate to TloZ TP!" or they arent supporting at all the Wii those are the only asnwers I can find, anyway, thinking on this... the guys that make the Gs reviews have a sort of title that makes their review above over others?

Being realistic, the game is cool but not perfect, the howling ability wasnt the best... but they had to add it in a way by force... just that they didnt make it well enough... as everything else it damn rocks, all what I expected in this game is there and more.

Since I said that Shadow...

...game was really crappy (and so the other 3D Sonic games), I feel like some people in my friend list got indifferent towards me... hmm.... I know I got lost of Sonic fans in my friend list, if you had any objection just say it, its not like I'm going to eat you :P

True or its my imagination?

What's up people?

I got accepted in helping with translation in the (spanish) anime community and my assignament is Victorian Romance Emma second act... oh well, its not like I couldnt refuse, but there doesnt seem any other project coming and I need to get into action fast.

I may be borrowing TloZ twilight princess... but I'll just have 4 days to play it :(

Anyway, a long time since I got enough free time to write a blog entry, I'vent checked most of your blogs that closely, so whats going through your lifes?

Shadow and True crime NYC mini reviews + some news - My break time is over...

First... my friend made me an late April´s fool joke, he just got his Wii for $400 w/out and he paid extra for the games... but I still hate Radioshack anyway, yesterday I went to his house and Played Sonic and the Secret rings... and I noticed that Wii Sports is just a tiny sample of what the Wii can do...

In other news, I want to say that most of the signatures I made are a joke compared to other work, that why I decided to master even more Photoshop, I got some extra add for this programm but that doesnt seem to be enough...

Today is the end of my break... I played Wii Sports and True Crime New Yor City this whole last week, but yesterday the same friend let me borrow Shadow the Hedgehog, I beated Tru Crime and made it with two endings of Shadow... I played this last game long enough to make a mini review...


True Crime New York City

The best of this game is the history, it like watching a movie but its interactive, its a total upgrade from the last True Crime (Streets of L.A.), the only thing that is superior in the last game was the voice acting, is not that in this game is suck just that in the other one was simple awesome, graphics are totally okay, the city is cool, all the thing added to the gameplay are okay but the exort system mode is way to easy and the car physics arent that good, but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy a ride around town... the bad side are the gliches... in this side it may be even with Gamespot and it becomes really bothersome when the games freezes and you havent saved in a long time.

Soon, a complete review of this game and Streets of L.A.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Anyway, why if Shadow says that he is the ultimate and perfect weapon... he uses tools in this game to fight? anyway, this game has a weird mix because it combines characters with a history that doesnt go with'em + forced voice acting that sucks + kiddie characters used in a semi-guns based game... ignoring all this I decided to play this game...

I dont get Sega, what were they trying to do with this game... taking a kids franchiese in a gun based game, I dont want to play a game of Barnie just because he uses guns in that game,this was just a bad mix... where they trying to take the kiddie look out of Sonic and Shadow, the very same look they gave him? the overuse of the gunshot effect everytime you choose something may be a proof of it.

Anyway, the game as it is is just plain bad, the gamplay is the same from the other normal Sonic games, that means that the bad camera and gliches are back (ohnoes!), the voice actor made a forced voice for most of the characters as ever leaving a terrible print in the game, the videos have good graphics, sad that its being used in a bad way, the opening video is just a proof of it, when you take the bad or good side you have to deal with a character in your a** all the way which is really annoying because of all the bad and repetitive quotes they say constantly... and the two player mode... is like a joke, I havent seen a worst multiplayer since... Sonic Heroes... the only thing that could save this game could be the gameplay if it werent because of the camera and the gliches than leave in you one of the worst gaming experiences... the ending also sucks...

I hate you Radioshack, I hate you...

Now, another corporation in my death list... remember I got my Wii from Radioshack and I went there because of a fake publicity they made? but why until now I get really pissed of by Radioshack? well, the promotion was: a normal Wii set + two games of my choice for $400 but it was fake and it was for $420 with just the normal Wii set... now, a friend of mine comes and tells me that he got a Wii from a mini company for $400 including the normal Wii set plus two games of his choice... ironic, this little company didnt made the big publicty but the promotion was real and they didnt used fake highlights as Radioshack did... really pisses me off... at least there is someone else around here that haves a Wii.

I got screwed again by download troubles

So, I followed Bulletsword advice to watch Shuffle! I get the episode 1... I get t after the download trouble was "fixed" but guess  what, now I can download but the damn thing comes just halved, the damn file was of 171 mb and it just downloaded 170 mb from Shuffle! ep 01 and the s**** comes when the damn file can be played after the minute 17 (the rest is there) and none of my players can get over that second that wasnt downloaded, holy s*** I want to keep watching, that anime really looks interesting after watching a little of the first episode.

Damn it damnt it! :evil: *punches wall* no!!! :cry: