I'm curious to see how many of these were available for the "initial shipping." I'd be surprised if it wasn't a brilliant marketing move to only make 10,000 available to make it seem like they sold out due to demand. Really sucks because I want VR to catch on and have been anticipating it for some time. But for anyone to be able to enjoy it that doesn't already have a beefy rig, you're asking the general public to pony up $1500-$1600 just for an "experience."
Looks like I'll be sticking with Playstation VR for my first VR outing. While I have wanted the Oculus since it was initially announced, $600 is a grave mistake to launch at that price. Go the Microsoft way and take a loss on the headsets and make up for it with a service/first party games. After a very public 2 billion dollar buyout, you're telling me Facebook can't afford to eat a bit of the cost of development? Not a wise move. $500 should have been the cap on the price, and even that's a bit too much for my taste. Especially considering someone who doesn't have a PC capable of running the Rift, they're not going to sell well after the initial pre-orders go out.
@Cryio: Agreed, but in terms of objectives/gameplay, they didn't do anything to make the games fun. Which Black Flag and Syndicate nail in strides. I have enjoyed and completed all AC games, but 3 and Unity are the two that just don't do it for me.
I've been noticing that every other year's assassin's creed is actually good, (Black Flag, Syndacite) yet duds like 3 and Unity are copy/paste jobs. Moving it bi-annually is a smart move and it's almost like they've been listening to me complain as I play -- wishing it was more like a true RPG instead of an 8 year old game with RPG elements.
While he's one of my favorite actors alive at the moment...no. He's not Roland. Matthew is more Roland than Idris. And I'm all for casting against type -- personally I would rather see Idris play Randall Flagg. Roland is a skinny Ian McShane. Or Christian Bale.
@brn-dn: That exact same thing happened to me when I picked up a copy of GTA 5. And because I opened the seal to find out that it wasn't in there, they could only offer me trade-in. That was the last time I bought anything new from from them. Also, the whole "you didn't reserve a copy" bullshit is ridiculous. There were something like 20 unclaimed copies of Bloodborne at my local store two days after it came out and they said they couldn't sell them because the people who reserved them have 3 days to pick them up. I went home and got the digital copy instead (because it was worth it) and for shits and giggles I went back the next day and saw, yup, they still had 16 copies and lost my $65
@wrestlingdude: I worked there in college and it was all about pushing reservations and spitting the same speech over and over. It's like telemarketing, but in person. "stick to the script" and "push reservations for this title or we don't get x,y,z." I agree that it's only a matter of time until they go belly-up, but they're diversifying what they sell in an attempt to stay relevant. The only thing they have going for them is the ability to sell old games for cash/trade-in incentives toward future games. Still, trading in 3 games just to get one is not remotely fair considering the company will sell the games you trade at at least a 100% markup.
@brn-dn: The opening a game up and selling it as new drives me absolutely nuts! And then they have the gall to put some shitty plastic sticker over the game to serve as a seal that does/doesn't allow you to return the game. No, dude, you opened my game and sold it at full price. You accept it regardless.
LeviHarris' comments